Chapter X

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3rd person POV

Through the day Dominic wasn't himself. While his body was at school his mind was at Rhyne's house and the events of yesterday. He couldn't help but worry about this girl, and he barely knew her. He wanted to help her. He wanted to make part of her life, even if it was as her friend, although... his conscious, deep inside kept wondering what would happen if they could be something more, but he knew that these kind of thoughts were dangerous. Because they couldn't. She was human. While he was a werewolf. If their worlds crashed it would be catastrophic. His world wouldn't allow it, they would hunt them down until they were separated or... worse. Until she was dead.

Math's Class came to an end quickly and soon, it was lunchtime. Dominic left the room quickly walking with his head full of thoughts that he didn't know where he was going until he was in the school parking lot. He really wanted to know if she was okay. He could try to follow her scent. He was sure she hadn't left town, or else her best friend would be worse, he thought. So she was still in town... but where could she be? He sighed and turned around and walked towards the cafeteria to join his friends and eat his lunch.

He also made a promise to himself to pass by her house as soon as he finished his classes. Luckily, his last class was Physics which meant that he could throw some of his frustration out. As he arrived where his friends were a group of boys came up to him inviting to a party next Saturday. Today was Tuesday which meant he still had time to think on the offer. He thanked them and everyone went each way.

"Dominic where have you been? For a second we thought you left school." Lucas said. "And then I thought it was weird since you were... Hey, mate are you feeling okay? You look a little pale."

"I'm fine." He answered through gritted teeth, seating at the table and throwing his bag on the ground. He was frustrated because he wanted to do something to help her, but he couldn't. Because he didn't know where the fuck she was!

The rest of the group looked at each other with raised eyebrows and decided to leave him alone. They resume their talking, about school, the party and some stupid teacher. Until something caught his attention.

"Hey, isn't that May? Why isn't she eating with Rhyne instead of eating by herself?" Claire wondered.

" She didn't come today." Dominic said finishing his lunch.

"What about... What was the guy's name? ... Oh, Martin! What about him? "

Dominic froze and started to put two and two together... if Martin wasn't here, and Rhyne wasn't here too.... Maybe they were together.

Suddenly he felt more relieved than he had ever felt for the past few hours.

He looked around and saw May seated in a table in the corner with her headphones on, watching some tv show, while eating a sandwich that she had for lunch.

Dominic finished his lunch quickly and got up saying he'd be back in a second.

Theodore was about to protest but Dominic didn't gave him time to do that.

Dominic tried not to run to where May was seated. He didn't want to alert anyone, although it was very possible that Claire was putting two and two together since they talked about it this morning.

He arrived at the table and seated quietly beside her, hoping to finally get some answers. He touched her arm gently, and she looked at him. When she saw him she sighed, paused the video or whatever she was watching and took off her headphones.

"Dominic, I already told you-"

"Is she with Martin?"


Hey guys.

I know it's been a while. Things have been hectic around here.

I will try to update next week but can promise anything.

I really like writing ( although I don't think that I'm very talented), but unfortunately time is against me lately.

Have a great weekend!

Lots of love,


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