Chapter V

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The next morning Dominic and the gang left their house early. Even though he had gone to bed early he felt like he hasn't slept nothing, he couldn't stop thinking about Rhyne and how addictive was her smell. He couldn't help thinking who was she? Why was her smell so enticing? He didn't understand this, never had a female look and smell as good as she does.

They all drove in Theo's car, even though they all had their own car since their Alpha claimed that for now, he was the most responsible of the five, even though it was Dominic who was his successor. Theo and Athena were twins and were responsible for making a weekly report to their Alpha, telling them how their mission was going.

Dominic's thoughts stopped abruptly when they arrived at school and saw his friends leaving the car and he unconsciously was doing the same. He grabbed his bag, made their way to the lockers. Somehow he found himself thinking again of Rhyne and her incredibly beautiful blue eyes, her pale and perfect skin and her long black hair that suited her perfectly. He couldn't help but want to run his hands through her body and how would it feel like touching her... and her lips. God, her lips were the most kissable lips he had ever seen. He never wanted to taste such lips just like he wanted to taste hers.

He looked at his schedule and saw that his first class was Music with Mr. Metrop. Music was one of his favourite subjects, because after all when he was young his grandmother used to play the piano for him when he was at her house. She played so well... he used to love it back then. Now, just brings memories of good times that don't exist anymore, and that's why he tries to avoid music. So when he chooses music, his friends were shocked.

But this time he had a feeling that he should choose music. And as he entered the classroom he understood why.

Because she had this class as well.

Rhyne arrived at school early today, considering that last night she woke up and cleaned the mess her mother made. Though, she felt like she hadn't slept at all since someone's eyes were constantly on her mind. His dark Brown chocolate eyes and the feeling of safety she had felt momentary when she looked into his eyes... Secretly she wished for more of that. Being safe and protected. She wanted to know them even though the uneasy vibe she got from them.

She was already seated in her first class of the day: Music. This was one of her favourite subjects, if not the most favourite. She loved playing the piano and sing, but unfortunately, she couldn't afford it doing at home because of her mother. Her mother hated hearing the piano since it reminded her of her brother who used to play all the time claiming he wanted to be a pianist, and when she started drinking she sell the piano that they had in the living room.

So Rhyne only played the piano on her music class when Mr. Metrop, required her help. Sometimes she would stay behind so that she could play a little, and her teacher would kindly teach her and help her reading the scores and playing the piano, even though it wasn't his obligation.

Rhyne wasn't listening to her surroundings so she didn't notice the gorgeous boy she had met yesterday approaching her seat.

"Is this seat taken?" He asked her. Rhyne turned her head quickly to look at him, and that feeling of safety consumed her again. She nodded her head and smiled softly.

Dominic seated beside her and looked at her. They already knew each other, but they hadn't meet properly. So, he decided to introduce himself again, hoping that they could have some sort of conversation.

"I know, that we kinda met before but..." He said not meeting her eyes, turning his body towards her scratching the back of his neck. "But... anyways. I'm Dominic. It's a pleasure to meet you." He said holding out his hand hoping she would take it and finally meeting those gorgeous blue eyes of hers.

"Oh. Right. I'm Rhyne." She said smiling softly. She grabbed his hand and gradually she felt small tingles on her hand covering her whole body. Her eyes bore into his shocked and saw that he was felling the same thing as she was. And the more she looked into his eyes she saw... that same thing that she saw in Claire's eyes. But this time somehow she didn't feel scared. She felt good, protected, cherished, she felt like... she wasn't alone.

And that was exactly what she was looking for. A way to send away this loneliness.

But she was scared. Never had she felt anything like this before.

So she quickly tore her hand away from his, returning to reality to see that their teacher just came in. He looked at her and nodded his head towards the piano silently telling her that she would have to play today.

She smiled happy that she could play today. Her fingers had been itching to touch those beautiful keys She wanted to hear the beautiful sound that came from it. She missed it badly since during vacations she couldn't play it after all it was the high school's piano. She got up from her seat with a wide smile on her face and headed towards the piano. She adjusted her chair and took off the cover that protected the piano.

She was seated at the piano waiting for instructions when her eyes crossed with his eyes.

And what she saw there surprised her to the point she let out a small inaudible gasp that everyone in the room didn't hear besides him.

His eyes were pleading.

But... Pleading for what?

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