Chapter XI

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May didn't know what to answer. Her face had a blank look and she was trying to come up with an excuse. She wasn't sure that Rhyne was fine with this... When Martin called her this morning explaining why they weren't going to school, she was ready to drop everything she was doing to go and see her friend. But Martin said there was no need. And besides, she couldn't really miss school like that since she was still a minor, and also Martin said he needed someone in the school so they could pass the class notes. At least some of them.

So, she reluctantly agreed coming to school even if she wasn't happy with this decision. But she was still passing by Martin's house as soon as she got out of school.

She was still looking at him trying to think of an excuse, she sighed and murmured that she was going to regret this later. Dominic wouldn't have caught that sentence if it wasn't for his werewolf hearing.

"So this is how it is going to happen." May started. "You are coming with me after school. I'm going to see how things are. She stayed at Martin's last night." Dominic tensed up and tried to look unbothered by this, though May still raised her eyebrow at him silently questioning him, but said nothing. "I will ask her if she is alright with seeing you. If she isn't, you will leave the house" As she was talking she as looking straight in his eyes, and that was enough proof of how serious she was.

"Okay. Got it." He finally answered after a while. Well, at least he had a chance. Now, it was up to her. Hopefully, she wouldn't say no.

"I'm dead serious Dominic."

"Yeah, yeah I know." He answered raising his hands in surrender. "I promise that if she doesn't want to see me I will leave."

May looked at him trying to find something, anything in his face that showed he was lying but she found nothing.

"Good, I'm glad. Meet me in the parking lot at three and half pm." She started to put her headphones on again, suggesting that this conversation was now over.

"I'll be there." Dominic got up and went back to the table where his friends were. No one questioned his behavior but Claire, looked at him with a hard look on her face. He felt something tugging at his mind and allowed Claire in.

What happened?

Rhyne happened. Her friend is taking me to see her after school... that is, if she is willing to. Can you cover me up?

Claire sighed through the mind link, but said she would cover him up.

Don't take too long though. She asked him

I won't.

Claire closed the mind link and finished her food.

The rest of the group quickly finished their lunch, since it was almost time to class. When they were all finished, they grabbed their bags and without a word each one of them went their own way.

When Dominic arrived at the boys locker room, the boys were talking about the party again while getting ready for P.E. Ugh, why are they always talking about that lately?

"Guess what Jason. I asked Brittany to come with me to the party and she said yes." A guy with blond hair and green eyes said. Some of the guys whistle and and congratulated him with pats on his shoulder. "What about you?"

"Jason? I bet he's still after that parentless kid." Some of the guys snickered. "Is it true that you turned down Jennifer the other day?

"Dude, you turned Jennifer down? Jesus Christ, are you sick?" Another guy with brown hair said. "You really must love her that much."

"She isn't worth you time, Jason. I heard that her mother killed her father and brother." A guy with black hair and his torso covered with tattoos said. "I bet she's a very good in bed. That's why you must be so interested in her."

"I suggest you stop talking about her like that. Rhyne is not like that." Jason said. He was clearly bothered by what the other guys were saying, the way his muscles tensed up said everything. "Leave her alone."

"Just give up on her dude. She broke up with like six months ago? You guys are not coming back, she clearly isn't interested anymore, or else she would have answered your calls." The guy with blond hair said.

Jason didn't say anything else, because he knew it was useless talking with them, since they didn't know the real story. They didn't know what was out there. They didn't know another reality unless the human one.

But Rhyne... he knew that she was about to be involved in more than one reality. And he needed to talk to her before anything bad happened to her. Jason looked up and found Dominic looking at him. But before he could ask what he wanted he left the locker room and went to class. Jason didn't like that guy at all. And he was going to make sure he stayed the hell away from her.

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