Chapter III

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When their eyes locked Rhyne it was like her worries disappeared. NO alcoholic mother, her father and her older brother weren't missing, the bills she had to worry about she didn't have to think about that anymore, her appliance to college anything that troubled her at the moment. She felt... safe. And for a long time, she hadn't felt that. But as soon as she felt the unsteadiness, just like when she locked eyes with Claire and Lucas everything came rushing back to her as someone dumped her with a basket of cold freezing water in her. She broke their gaze and shifted uncomfortably in their seat. She looked at May who was looking back at her with worry. And somehow she was able to give her a small smile.

"Lucas, are you done? We need to grab lunch before the break ends." Some girl with long Brown hair said.

"Hey, be nice." Lucas answered back fiercely. "They are good people." The girl eyed the trio with disdain and no interest.

"Hi, you are in my Maths class right?" Claire asked Rhyne locking her eyes with her.

"Uh... yeah, I am." She answered fidgeting in her seat. " My name is Rhyne and this is Martin and May" she answered keeping her eyes on her friends as she pointed them out.

"Well, hello I'm Claire" she answered with her already famous smile. " This is Athena." she said pointing to the girl with long brown curly hair. "This is Theodore, her Twin" Now that Rhyne looked at them, she could vaguely notice some similarities between them. "You already know Lucas. And this is Dominic." She said looking at the guy in the back with dark brown eyes. Rhyne looked at him again between her eyelashes shyly not wanting to confront the unsteadiness vibe that they gave off. But as soon as their eyes locked, for the second time that day it seemed like everything around her was dissipating and she could breathe normally again not having to worry constantly with her problems to solve. She turned her gaze away from him, taking her hand to her chest where her heart was taking a deep breath trying to calm herself from the imagining things.

Fortunately, Rhyne was saved by the bell and she grabbed her things as fast as she could trying to get away from the unsettling group. Martin called after her but she didn't acknowledge him. She just continued her way towards her next, and final class of the day.

She reached the classroom and she for once seated in the back, hoping that she could try to relax a little more. She could feel her muscles relaxing again and her dizziness was slowly disappearing which was a good sign.

Her English class was over quickly. And fortunately, none of the new students was in her English class which was a plus.

She made her way to the lockers to drop some of the books so that tomorrow her bag wasn't so heavy. She dropped her books and was closing her locker when an unpleasant feeling crept over her.

"Rhyne. We need to talk." His voice wasn't different. For the past weeks, he had been calling, texting, following her around, claiming that he had something really important to tell her. And that she needed to listen. Rhyne sighed before answering him.

"And I already told you that I am not interested, Jason."

"But you need to listen to me. I know..." he paused not knowing what to say, and she took that as a chance to get away from him, avoiding a reason to create her a headache.

"Wait! Rhyne, please wait! I'm not telling to talk to me just listen!" He said reaching out for her arm and pulling her towards to him. He grabbed her shoulders and forced her to look at him. Rhyne could feel her temper rising not liking where this conversation was going. She just wanted to go home and take a nice warm bath, and perhaps she could play a little today or even sing if her mother wasn't at home.

"You need to listen to me. There are some dangerous people here and it's a must that you-"

"Is everything okay over here?" The male voice who had interrupted Jason was powerful and determinate. Rhyne felt her eyes widening while looking behind her, seeing Dominic's figure close enough to her so that it was possible to smell his cologne, and it smelled so damn well.

But before any conversation could continue, Rhyne unbalanced herself do to her headache and now somehow her dizziness appeared once again. And something warm, firm and gentle held her by her elbows where she could feel a tingling sensation spreading over her body slowly. It was like very small electrical shocks that made her feel alive, like all her energy, all of sudden, has been recharged. She gazed up at her saviour's eyes and she saw those dark brown eyes that made her feel safe again. They kept looking at each other, him not letting her go and her not breaking the gaze.

"Are you okay?" He asked, bringing both of them out of their little world.

"I'm... I'm fine thanks... just a little dizzy. Nothing to worry about." She answered getting out of his grip. She looked back at Jason on last time with a look that told him to leave her alone, and hopefully for good.

She left both boys and kept walking towards the parking lot trying not to fall down the floor. She was holding herself up against the wall while carrying her bag. Before she could reach the door a hand caught hers. His hand.

She looked at him with a surprised, yet tired look and asked him if he needed anything else. Instead of answering her he answered with a question of his own.

"Can I drive you home?"

Well, this was something new.



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