Chapter VI

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Enjoy! :)


The day came to an end quickly. Rhyne and her friends, fortunately, didn't hear or see any of the new students for the rest of the day.

Rhyne was now walking home. She was listening to music but attentive to her surroundings. She was trying not to think about her morning interaction with Dominic, though it was hard. She didn't understand. What was she pleading? What did he want from her? Why did she feel protected when she was near him? Why did he have such a big effect on her?

When she arrived home she dropped her things in her room and went to her backyard trying to relax a little in the rocking her where her mother used to tell her and her brother stories. She had grabbed a blanket and a book along the way hoping to catch up on her Reading, and luckily her mother wasn't home again.

From her backyard, she could easily access the forest that was behind her house. When she was little her father always told her to not go into the woods but when they disappeared and her mother stopped caring sometimes she would go to the woods to just feel the calming environment. Normally she grabbed a blanket and a book and sometimes food and walked till she was the clearing where she always stayed.

But, sadly, now that school started she didn't have much time as she had before and she didn't feel comfortable going into the woods in the evening alone for some reason. During vacations, she would frequently go in the early hours of the day to see the sunrise or sometimes in the middle of the morning. She felt like nothing worried her just like she felt when she was with... Dominic. Her face turned into a scowl frustrated that her mind drifted off to Dominic again. She really had almost forgotten about him.

Before she could resume her Reading she heard some noise coming from the forest. She looked up from the book and looked in front of her to face the bushes and the trees of the woods. Now, she saw the bushes moving, and that meant that something or someone was behind it. Her face paled and she slowly grabbed her things to go back inside, after all, she did not know what was behind it.

But before she could get inside she heard something whine. She stopped in her tracks with her eyes wide open not knowing what to think. She breathed in deeply and tried to calm her racing heart.

Slowly she turned around and came face to face with a magnificent creature.

A Wolf.

She didn't know what to think. The beautiful dark Brown Wolf was big. Much bigger than average wolfs. His eyes were also dark Brown but it seemed like his eyes were brighter than his fur. His right back paw was white as his left ear. She tried not to let the panic swallow her and when she manages that, she notices that somehow she wasn't afraid.

The Wolf and she were just simply staring at each other, eye to eye, and after a thought, she decided to try and move towards him. She didn't know why, but now she notices that just like in that clearing and just like with Dominic she felt protected. Safe. She slowly dropped her blanket and her book on the ground before walking softly towards the edge of the woods where the Wolf stood.

The Wolf was moving his head around and sniffing the air, and when he stopped, with his head down he looked into her eyes again like he was asking for permission to enter her territory. She looked at him again surprised as she stopped in her tracks.

Slowly she nodded her head and murmured softly.

"Alright, you can come closer."

She didn't know what she was thinking. Which one was the crazier? The fact that she was talking to a Wolf or even trying to touch his fur?

He cautiously approached her with his head down, like he was trying not to scare her. When he got to her she noticed again how tall he was. His snout reached her shoulder. She lifted her hand towards him in hopes of touching his appearing soft fur. Their eyes stayed locked the whole time and when she touched him... she felt her muscles slowing relaxing.

She stroked his snout slowly and gently and his eyes closed, and he leaned towards her hand letting out a soft purr. She sighed and smiled softly happy to feel so safe with this Wolf. She didn't know why. She was just happy.

She started stroking his length and his back with both hands, petting him. He continued to purr softly, and gradually e lowered himself to the ground till he was laying in the grass of her backyard. She got to her knees and kept her hands on his soft fur slowly stroking it. He turned his snout towards her and let his head fall on her knees while she petted him. His eyes locked with hers again and she smiled softly at him and he started licking her hand like he was thankful for her giving him her attention, and being affectionate with him.

She laughed and gave him a kiss in his snout. Unfortunately, happiness can't last forever.

She heard the front door of her house shutting and she jumped in fright, suddenly remembering her alcoholic mother. She frowned and got up as she heard things being thrown around. She cringed and looked at the Wolf now beside her. She now noticed that she was growling lowly like he wasn't liking the sounds coming from her house. She sighed now unhappy and stroked his snout one last time turning his head towards her trying to gain his attention.

"Hey, you need to leave. Everything is fine don't worry." She stroked his snout and connected their foreheads. "This is my routine." She let go of him as the sounds inside the house that once had stopped now had started again. She walked backwards going away but he looked like he didn't want her to go inside. He bit into her sleeve pulling her towards him again and whining.

"Sorry but I really have to go...My mother needs me." She said pulling her sleeve out of his mouth with a sad smile. "I... Hopefully, we will see each other again...?" He, almost unnoticeable, nodded his head and rested his snout on her shoulder like he was telling her that everything was going to be alright someday, that he was here for her.

"Now, go." She murmured.

She watched him go away into the woods and as soon as she stopped seeing him she turned her back to the forest and headed straight to the house, hoping that her mother didn't make their house in a war place.

Little did she know that this Wolf, was Dominic.


Hey guys!
So what do you think?

Liking the story so far?

Any thoughts or suggestions?

I really couldn't wait till tomorrow to put this chapter.

Have a great week!

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