Chapter VIII

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Dominic's POV

I didn't get much sleep last night. I couldn't get Rhyne out of my head and the fact that her living conditions weren't the best only made me worry for her grow bigger. My Wolf couldn't stop pacing inside my mind and we both couldn't wait to see Rhyne today and how she was felling. I just wanted to get her out of that house and take her to somewhere safe.

But then I remembered that she would never feel safe again if I bring to my world. That possibly someone will be always after her. Damnit. When I first had seen Rhyne I immediately felt some sort of connection with her. And I knew that from her looks and the way she behaved that she didn't have an easy life. But I never expected this.

Why was her mother like this? What was her life story? Why is she always so tense? Is music her passion? What are her plans for her future? What is her favourite colour?

I got up from the bed and did my morning routine, which includes taking a shower brushing my teeth and dressing up for school. As I reached the kitchen I saw that it was only me and Claire taking breakfast like usual, the others were probably still fast asleep.

"Morning." She said drinking her usual black tea and looking out of the window. Our kitchen wasn't small but it wasn't big. It was just enough for all of us. Unfortunately, it hadn't a balcony where we could eat our meals and watch the sun setting or rising. Still, it had a window and we could watch the forest outside since the table was near the window. Claire was seated in her usual place, which was the one that had the perfect vision for the forest. Sun rays shone through the window and bathed the kitchen table. I went to the fridge to grab some milk and then into the cabinet to get some of Lucas's famous cookies. I fill my cup till the top with milk then put it in the microwave to heat it up.

"Morning" I answered seating in front of her as soon as I finished preparing my breakfast. "Slep well?" I asked her. When she didn't answer me right away I looked at her and saw her watching me carefully like she was inspecting me.

"Yes" She finally said adverted her eyes to her tea. "you?"

"Slept better before, but it was enough to restore energies" I answered back. Something was up with her. She was way too quiet. And I hadn't seen her smile this morning yet.

"What's wrong" She looked up at me quickly and locked eyes with me.

"Where were you yesterday?" She asked straight forward. I clenched my hands unconsciously around the warm cup that was in my hands and looked outside not wanting to meet her gaze. She would give me an ear full if she knew where I had been, and I already had my parents for that.

"I know that she means something. I'm not going to stop you or say anything. I'm not a traitor." She continued probably knowing that I was listening to her. I knew that she wasn't anything like her older sister, who had betrayed our pack.

"I know that" I finally answered back and looked at her determined to not back out from our intense staring. Claire was probably beside my mother who knew me how to test me and take me to my limits, pushing me forward to be even better and stronger. "I never said you were. But what I saw there was what had me not answering right away."

A confused look took over her face as she titled slightly her head to the side trying to figure out what had bothered me so much.

"A bad life, Claire. Just like Lucas."

Claire's gaze stayed with mine and I saw her jaw clenching at the mention that Rhyne had a bad life just like Lucas did. Lucas father was also alcoholic and he tended to be something much more... fiercer.

"Are you going to do something?" She asked after a moment. "Before it gets worse...?" She asked quietly.

I sighed and run my hand through my hair. I seriously didn't know what to do. She was human... or so I had thought so. Now, I have doubts. Was she the hybrid that they were supposed to bring back home? Why was her smell different? Why was her mother like this? I sighed deeply again throwing my head back searching for an answer.

"I don't know. She... is not like us. I don't want to put her through more danger in her life. It wouldn't be fair." I answered still looking at the ceiling.

Before Claire could answer him, I heard someone descending the stairs and singing.

Lucas entered the kitchen with a smile on his face.

"So, you idiots ready for another day of school?"

"Good morning to you too Lucas." Claire answered him, smiling. Of course, she would try and pretend that this conversation didn't happen at least for now. If Lucas knew that someone was probably going through what he went through, human or not, he would take her out of that house.

"Good morning big guy. You look like you haven't slept in years." Lucas went to the fridge to get some milk to do his usual morning milkshake.

"What's up with you lately?" He asked grabbing strawberries.

I sighed before answering him.

"Nothing. Now, hurry the fuck up we cannot be late" I said as I got up from the table taking my cup to the sink and leaving it there.

"Hey! Aren't you going to wash it?"Lucas called me following me to the bottom of the stairs.

"Leave it, Lucas don't worry about it. I can wash it." Claire popped in the conversation. Thanks, Claire. I owe you one. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lucas pouting, but he didn't say anything else.

I continued my way upstairs, ready to wake Athena and Theodore up. Those twins really loved to sleep.————————————


New cover!!! Also, by LivSweet18 !!!

You should totally check out her story "One can Dream blue" !!

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