Chapter II

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They reached outside where they seated in their usual place waiting for the last person of their little group. Martin was usually late since the girls were always clingy to him, each one hoping that she would be the one changing the fact that he liked boys. Yup, Martin was gay and he assumed it with no problem, although it was such a shame, since he was one of the cutest guys in the school. Black hair, green eyes and a breathtaking smile with a small dimple on his right cheek he was the perfect victim for every girl on high school. The girls resumed their talk about Physics complaining about already having homework, had school barely started.

"Oh, did you hear about the new students? One of them is actually in my Theatre class. I heard that they are five." May said. But Rhyne wasn't listening to her anymore. As soon as she heard that there were more like Claire she froze not appeased with the idea of having more people like her on one of her classes.

"Hm, Rhyne? Is everything alright?" May asked dropping her hand on her friend's hand worried.

"Oh, sorry what were you saying?" Rhyne answered trying not to think about it. She needed to focus on school and not on weird people.

"The new students. Do you have one of them in your class...?" May asked slowly understanding now that something must have happened for her friend to react like that.

Rhyne looked at her friend hesitating if she should tell her about her encounter with Claire. Why was she even hesitating? They were best friends so what was the problem?

She sighed showing her discomfort and stress about this subject and began to tell her friend about the blonde girl and the creepy vibe that she gave off. And how the boys reacted to her and the fact that she looked at her like it was on purpose.

"Really? That's weird... the one in my Theatre class was a boy actually and he seemed pretty nice and hot. But I didn't feel that creepy vibe that you are talking about. His name is Lucas."

"Don't you think its weird? Our town is just some stupid insignificant town why are they here? Why our town?" Rhyne knew she shouldn't be thinking, talking about this but it was so unsettling and somehow deep down she knew she wanted to know more about them. Who are they? Where they come from? Why are they here? Why did it seem like she was the only one unsettled about this?

"I don't know hun but don't worry about it they are not important and if you want we don't need to talk about them ever again don't worry. I swear if they look at you I will hunt them down with makeup, tape, glitter, and glue." May joked trying to lighten up the mood

Rhyne smiled forcing herself to forget about it since she already got most of it out of her chest. Before she could answer, she saw Martin running towards them with a big smile on his face like he just won the lottery.

"Look, Martin is coming." Rhyne said.

"My favourite girls in the world!!! How are my beauties today? I missed you so much! I can't believe this is our last year together! You won't believe what just happened to me!" He said with his usual enthusiasm. He was the happiest soul of the group and probably with the worst environment at home. May was the only one who had a whole family, while Rhyne only had her alcoholic mother now and Martin lived with his grandfather because his parents decided that instead of taking care of their son it was much more fun drinking and spent the nights in clubs. Martin's grandfather, unfortunately, was with cancer and couldn't provide much to Martin but he was like a grandfather for both girls.

Yet, Martin looked like nothing was wrong and nothing will ever be wrong.

"So tell us, dear friend, what happened to cause such havoc on you today?" Rhyne asked, with a teasing smile, finally taking her lunch out of her bag.

"Derek said yes to me!!" Martin said. Derek was Martin newly crush, and it appears that he agreed to go out with him.

"See? I told you that the guy was interested. You just need to have more confidence in yourself. You are an amazing guy." May said before taking a bite of her sandwich.

"Yes, but he was taking way to long to answer me." Martin whined.

"He wasn't taking too long he was thinking about it. You guys just have been talking for two weeks!" Rhyne said.

"So? We talk 24/7. Plus, we did some facetime. And it wasn't like the conversation died sometime. We were always talking." He fired back

"I think you should take it easy. You might scare off the guy with that happiness." Rhyne said laughing quietly

"Hey, don't be like that. Geez, can't you let a guy be happy? Society sucks nowadays so finding a guy who is willing to go out with someone of the same gender it isn't that common. Especially in this small town"

"That I have to agree with." May said jumping in the conversation "It truly isn't that easy for you buddy, but still I agree with Rhyne there take it easy and don't rush things or else you might end up ruining everything." May said

Martin agreed with her eating some of his lunch before asking them if they heard about the new students.

Both girls froze and looked at each other without knowing what to do or say.

"Huh-uh, I know those looks sweeties. What happen?" Martin asked

Before one of them could answer someone called out for May. The trio turned their heads towards the sound, and soon a new face, to Martin and Rhyne, approached their table.

"Lucas! W-what are you doing here?" May asked surprised to see her classmate and the new student with them. She looked at Rhyne and saw her face slowly palling, though Martin seemed super fine since he was eyeing up and down the guy.

"Here, you dropped one of your notebooks when you were leaving the classroom." He said handing her the Notebook. His voice was deep and sure he was good looking with his Brown hair and hazelnut eyes he was taller than any of them, and one could imagine what was like underneath his shirt since we could faintly outline the lines of his muscles.

"Oh thank you so much! I can be very clumsy sometimes" May answered with a nervous smile.

"So, aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?" He said looking specifically at Martin. Rhyne for was glad that he wasn't looking at her, and instead of looking at her friend who looked very happy with the attention that he was getting.

"Oh right. This is Martin..." Before May could continue Lucas interrupted her.

"Martin. A gorgeous name for a gorgeous boy." Lucas said with a small smirk. Martin blushed and let out a nervous smile and May and Rhyne smiled to one another and May saved Martin from any further embarrassment. "And this is Rhyne."

HIs gaze turned to Rhyne and just like with Claire she felt uncomfortable and unsteady. She looked into his eyes and it was like... behind them was something or someone... But before she could think about it furthermore people approached their table and she instantly felt dizzy as she locked her blue eyes with a pair of dark Brown eyes that took her breath away.

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