Chapter IX

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Miraculously we didn't arrive late to school. After all of us got the twins up we didn't even let them take their breakfast and got straight out of the house towards the school. I wouldn't admit it but I was anxious to see Rhyne and how she was doing. I was still pissed off at the fact that her own mother hit her and didn't take care of her like a mother was supposed to. It had been around a week and a half since we arrived in this town and I already felt like it was home. It was Wednesday and my first class today wasn't with Rhyne, but my Math class, with Mr.Artic before lunch, was with her and perhaps I could try and cheer her up a little bit if, perhaps, she was felling down or something like that.

Damn. I barely know her and I'm already acting like this. If Lucas knew he would tell me I'm totally whipped.

Which I'm not. And I won't be. I just want to be her friend. Yes. That's it. Her friend.

Unfortunately, Math class didn't arrive as quickly as I wanted to and before I still had to go through English and History, which I almost fell asleep. And thinking about the essay that my English teacher gave us just wanted me to go back home to my bed.

Although I knew I couldn't. I wanted to see Rhyne today and...

Damn. I can't stop thinking about her.

When, finally, it was time for my Math class I was there before the bell rang. I seriously couldn't wait and I wanted to try and get a seat beside her.

I seated behind her usual seat since the one beside her was already occupied. The bell rang but I didn't see her anywhere. Where could she be? Was she late? Did something happen? Was she ill? Did... her mother hit her again? I growled lowly at that thought, if her mother had laid her hands on her again I wouldn't let her get away with this again that's for sure.

The teacher entered the room, and there was still no sign of Rhyne. My worry grew as well as my will to skip class.

"Settle down everyone. Your break is over. No phones Mister Jenkins."

"Oh don't be so harsh Mrs. Jasper. I mean we are all human right?" James Jenkins, as known as, JJ laughed with his friends. Our Math's Teacher was known as the Robot Teacher, because well, she taught like she was in the army or something.

"Of course, but knuckleheads like you must not know what human beings are. Because if you knew, you would know that you don't belong among them of course. Your Math grades and the self-respect that you have for the ones of your kind say it all." The teacher answered back. James snickered and didn't say anything else seating in his seat with his friends near him.

Ten minutes had passed since the beginning of the lesson and there was no sign of her. Where could she be? She didn't seem like the type of girl who missed school just because.

I was finishing an exercise when there was a knock at the door. I lifted my head quickly with my hopes up, expecting Rhyne. But instead, I saw her best friend, May (I think that was her name). Her head was down and she had this look on her face like she wasn't really here with us. So, something happened.

"And your excuse Mrs. Latore..?" May took some time to answer and did not lift her head up.

"I'm sorry. Family matters." The teacher stopped writing whatever she was writing at her computer and looked up to May. She finally looked up and her eyes were painted with an indescribable sadness and pain. The teacher's eyes softened sighing.

"Alright. No problem. Just make sure you do your work for the rest of the lesson." May went to her seat which was close to Rhyne's seat and dropped her bag on the table seating down and sighed. "Oh, and Mrs. Latore."


"Is Rhyne coming today?"

May's face paled and she stopped getting her things out of her bag. Her eyes were wide opened and she looked like she was about to cry. It was then I knew something happened to her.

The teacher looked at May raising her eyebrows, probably wondering what took her so long to answer.

"Mrs. Latore?"

"Oh right, she... she isn't coming today... she... she just isn't coming." May finally answered.

The teacher raised her eyebrows with a wondering look on her face."Alright. Get back to work you, creatures!"

Everyone got back to work mumbling to each other with curious looks trying to Guess what had happened to May and Rhyne. Some of the students even tried to ask May what was wrong with both of them, but she just shrugged them off, not answering them. After a while, they gave up and I couldn't wait to ask her outside so I threw a paper that landed in her table.

She stopped writing and looked at the paper, slowly reaching out. She grabbed unfolded it with such calmness and patient that was unnerving. When she finally read the paper she looked back to me, and her eyes softened like she could tell that I was really worried and wanted to help. She took her pen and wrote, then when the teacher wasn't looking she threw the paper at me lading near my feet. I reached out and unfolded the paper as quickly as I could.

My shoulders dropped in disappointment when I read what she had written:

It isn't my place to tell you. Even if I know your intentions are good.

I looked back to her but this time she wasn't looking at me, and instead was doing her work. Or at least trying.

I needed to see her again. I wanted to know what happened to her.



Hey guys. 

I know it's been a long time, sorry but my auditions for college started last week (i'm a musician btw, a singer) and I've been in and out of the country and it's really tiring.

Next week, I have more auditions :) .

So, this means that there's a big possibility that I won't be updating for a while.

Sorry about that . :(

So, any thoughts so far?

What do you think has happened to Rhyne?

Wish you a great week!



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