Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Sunday, November 9, 2014

*Drake Greene*

Some people find silence as a peaceful privilege, rarely obtained in the constant haste of the world, yet I see it with an unsettling emptiness. I was thankful for the sounds that the night brings in the Dysart Forest and though I hid in the shadows of the trees, the faint glow of candlelight was still visible against the darkness.

In the round clearing, just past the trees that shroud my presence, a circle of candles burned. Their flames danced to the gentle breeze, which carried the familiar smell of fire to me. I stood there amazed at the power that she opened my eyes to as she kneeled in the circle with her head bowed low and her hands crossed at the wrists behind her back. The whispered chant was barely audible as it reached my ears, a foreign language, a meaning less blather of tongues to my mind, but the Elements certainly seem to understand. A sudden wind blew through the forest and the fiery candles were extinguished. A dark smoke rose from them and the night surrounded us again.

She began to stand slowly as she unfolded her legs from beneath her, separating them from the cold grass and dried leaves that rested on the forest floor. Despite the stormy winds that now disturbed the trees, her dark-red hair fell is perfect curls, untouched by the Elements.

"How dare they think that they could hide from me?" She barked at the wind. Her voice filled with anger and disbelief, anger at the years we’ve lost chasing these imbeciles as they hide from the inevitable, disbelief at their foolish thoughts of freedom and life when they’ve caused her so much loss.

She turned to me as I emerged from the trees and the warmth flooded my body as her eyes found mine. They glowed as red as her own hair, as if a fire burned in her very soul, but I knew better. She channeled her strength from the citrine crystal pendant that hung on the silver chain on her neck. One piece of jewelry as insignificant looking as any other and it wouldn't be any different if not for the fact that it conceals the magick of thirty-five dead witches and some of their Guardians.

"Oh, they can hide from you." I corrected. "They can disappear from the face of the earth, but what they can't do is deny their way of life. No matter how hard they try to ignore it, they were born to a life of magick. Whatever path they take, it will always lead them back to the Craft of the Wise." I lifted my eyes from the stone on her neck to meet hers again just as a smile spread through her lips.

"They will be their own destruction." She responded to my statement. "You're right, my love, and it won't be long now. The Lady's Moon is almost to its fullest night. Soon I will be ready to harness their power."

She stepped closer to me and gently ran one hand from the nape of my neck to the center of my chest while the other rested on my cheek. I brushed a strand of her auburn hair from her beautiful amber eyes and pulled her closer to me. She brought her lips to mine, their soft skin barely grazing me.

She whispered to me, her face mere centimeters away. "I will get my revenge and we'll finally have all the power that we deserve. We can be together and we will be unstoppable."

Passion and fury melded in her voice, creating a promise that stood against Nature, and even Destiny, itself. Then, all gentleness and softness disappeared as she crashed her lips with mine.


Monday, November 10, 2014

*Roxanne Cain*


The raindrops drummed against the windows as the storm grew outside. The sun hid behind the large clouds and the darkened skies made the fluorescent hallway lights seem brighter. As far as any other high school goes, Shadyside High School isn't all that different.

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