Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

*Roxanne Cain*

            I laid on the bottom of the lake, green moss and small fish swam around me in their own little world, oblivious of the drama that we have to endure in the world above them, playing in the clean, blue, lakewater.

They were lucky in a way. They didn't have a care in the world down in their underwater paradise with all colors of the spectrum bouncing from the sun and into the lake. But I still had to deal with it all, even underneath the water, even in the depths of this hidden world, it still haunted me and that proves to be true even now.

            He jumped in, moments after me. I could feel the thrashing of the water as he broke the stillness, frantically searching for me as he spun in all directions. He was so worried in a way that nobody has been in a long time, not for me. I didn't deserve it. I shouldn't be in their hearts or their minds as I was nothing, but a liar and a fraud, a con artist who has wrongfully gained their trust.

            I shook my head, trying not to laugh or cry underwater, as I watched his determined search for me. 'He does remember that I control the Elements, right?'

            The water around me was warm and I knew that my body would be glowing a light yellow, if I looked down on myself as Fire lightly surrounded me, keeping warmth to my body. However, the idiot floting above me must be freezing his sexy ass off in this lake and I swam as fast as I could while trying not to disturb the waters. It was as easy as strolling across an empty stretch of road. Air propelled me forward as Water parted to let me through until I was just within arm's length of him.

            I brushed past him, making sure that the ends of my long hair would tickle his back and I felt that I was right. This close to him, I could practically feel the shivers of his body. He turned, facing my direction in incredible speed, and struck out his hand.

He quickly yanked me out of the water and pulled me close to him. The fire on my air exposed skin was now burning freely as the waters were longer there to douse it. Jason didn't notice. His eyes were closed as he hugged me to him, checking with his quick and gentle hands if was was all right. I smiled, his hands never wandered beyond what was comfortable, but the smile soon faltered when I felt him shudder beneath my arms.

            He was frigid. His body quivered in my arms and I was sure that the concern had switched and I was holding him to me, pulling him closer if that was even possible. The hypothermia was setting quick, but he had made no attempts to leave the cold waters until he found me.

            "Don't you ever do that, again." He breathed against my neck, trying to keep his body still.

            "Oh baby, I'm fine." I reassured him. "You're the one shaking." This dumbass Witch controls Water and Fire and he doesn't think to use it! I pulled him to me even more, flattening my body into his, sharing the warmth with him.

            "I don't know why you're not."

            "Because I'm a Witch, stupid! And so are you." I thumped him on the side of his head.

            "Ow!" He glared at me and I just grabbed his hand, sending the magick in his body as well. His body shuddered at the sudden force of energy that exploded into it as our magick melded into one.

            "I need you to think of fire, warmth." I cooed. "Let it fill you completely."

            I watched as the fire spread from inside his body, glowing just as mine was, making his hair look like a golden crown on his fire-lit body. I saw the concentration bloom in him and his draw of magick became stronger.

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