Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

*Hunter Addington*

I arrived at the place that the new girl described and I am in shock as I sat in their driveway. It's not a run-down house at the outskirts of town, but a giant mansion. The house was three-stories, maybe more. The place looked old with a rustic feel to it, but it wasn’t a crumbling ruin. It looked like something out of a story from the Victorian Era. A house where balls may have been held, where men bowed and women curtsied.

'Who in the hell is this girl?'

I'm caught off guard once again as I knock on the door and Roxanne Cain appeared in front of me. She was still wearing the clothes that she wore today at school and she still had that look of superiority in her eyes. Good to know that that isn't just a facade for school, it's her usual look that had people fearing or loving her, possibly even both at once.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her suspiciously.

"Considering this is my house, I should be asking you that." She grinned. "But Amara warned me of her invitation to you, so please come in."

I should’ve known that she knew the girl from lunch, Amara. It’s not often that people move to Belmont, Ohio, much less two witches in the say week. She stepped aside to let me pass into the threshold and see the long hallway ahead of me.

Unlit candles decorated the walls and open doorways led multiple rooms branching away. Annabelle brushed past me, heading down the hall and turning left to a long staircase. The outside of the house was nothing compared to the inside as I felt like we had travelled in time.

Anne started up the stairs without speaking a word to me. She didn't look behind her to see if I was following and I didn't question what was happening. I am a strong and experienced BloodWitch and if she is to try something, I can surely take her on.

She entered a room on the left, overlooking the backyard. And once again, my confidence is pushed back a step, as I didn't anticipate for our destination to be in a bedroom. Still, I kept my face blank of emotions, trying not to show my confusion even as the door opened once again and Amara appeared.

"What am I doing here?" I asked, ending the silence when neither of them made a move to speak first.

“Maybe you should’ve asked yourself that before you stepped through the door.” Anne said with disapproving eyes. “Of all the others, I took you as the cautious one. Yet, you show up at a house in the middle of nowhere because someone you’ve never even met or spoken to asked you to come.”

She never raised her voice, but her eyes drilled into me, willing me to see my mistakes. In a way, it was worse than if she had raised her voice and I suddenly became a small child being shipped by his mother for taking candy from a stranger. I couldn’t talk back or snap at her because she was right. It was stupid and I could be dead by now if my judgments were wrong.

“It was a stupid decision,” I stated instead, my voice and face still devoid of any emotion. “Don’t make me regret it. Again, why am I here?”

"Something is going on here and I want to know what." Amara simply stated with no further explanations.

"Drake, did he invite you to the party tomorrow?" Anne asked.

"Yes. Now, who are you two?" I interrogated. My curiosity got the better of me and I might as well take advantage of it. I need to know what their agenda is because they are here for a reason.

"My name is Amara," the newest girl said. "My affinity is of the mind, I can read it, control it, to the point that I know the person better than they do themselves. I can make people feel what I want them to feel. I can have access into anyone’s mind."

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