Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 

*Stephanie Goode*

He looked up reluctantly and saw Hunter and I standing before the bleachers. I held an umbrella in my hand, though Hunter and Jace are both soaked in the rain.

'Boys! Seriously, what's wrong with not wanting to be soaked in rainwater? Hell, what's wrong with an umbrella? Is it seriously THAT girly? Okay stop, I need to focus.’

"What the hell was that?" I yelled. I climbed onto the bleachers and stood above Jace with my hands on my hips, trying to be as intimidating as I can be. It works on everyone else, but Jace seems immune. He’s known me for too long.

“He got what’s coming to him.” He immediately retorted. “He deserved it.”

“No!” I yelled at him. “You are not going to be what everyone thinks Witches are. Yes, he deserved to be punished, but not like that!”

For a moment his face paled and, as fleeting as the expression was, I knew that he’d heard me through that thick skull of his and he looked ashen as he looked back at the ground underneath the bleachers. "I know. I know I fucked up, all right. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do it. I just saw red and I lost control." His voice was strained, but steady.

"Like that's an excuse. Ryan almost died, Jason. His lips were turning blue. He was suffocating for no reason. You constricted his lungs and I bet you don’t even know how you fucking did it." Hunter said with a deceivingly calm voice as if he was merely stating that the weather was rainy.

Jason stood abruptly and raised his voice. "I know it's not an excuse. Do you think I meant to do it?" He questioned, but Hunter wasn't having it today.

"Yea, that explanation could make up for taking the life of a person. 'I didn't mean to, I'm sorry.' That's gonna cut it, Goode." Hunter mocked.

They continued to bicker. It was the only way they seemed to communicate. Jason thinks that Hunter just thinks that he’s going to cause trouble that’s why he fights with him so much. I think it’s more than that. Jace is stronger than either of us knows and Hunter can feel that. Jace is the one person who can completely wreck Hunter’s perfectly controlled world.

"Fine, I know Hunter. I get it. You're better at control. You're better at WitchCraft. You're nicer and you're the perfect little Witch. I'm sorry I can't compete. I'm sorry I'm untrained. I'm sorry for the trouble I cause you and Stephanie. I'm sorry." Jason whispered the last part sounding completely defeated and exasperated.

I really did feel sorry for my brother, but of the two of us, he was the one that could never seem to fully control the magick. I know he didn't mean to do it and that just makes it that much more dangerous. What if he can't control it next time?

But there was no reason to upset him even more. I never had as much trouble as he does, but we think that’s because we know what my affinity is and I can learn to control it. He has no idea what he controls, if he even controls anything. He’s a bomb waiting to blow, especially if something ticks him off and these says, that’s pretty much everything. I have no idea what I’m going to do or how to help him, but I need a plan.

Our aunt always said that Witches grow up too fast, I understand now. We’re teenagers. We’re not supposed to be dealing with life and death choices or worrying about potentially killing somebody. We have barely any control of it and it is physically exhausting having to be all right every damned day of our lies when we’re doing everything we can not to let all of our control collapse. We can’t get upset or mad, but we can’t be too happy or excited. We can’t be normal.

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