Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

*Jason Goode*

Roxanne sped towards the school, driving like a maniac and a part of me was afraid that we would crash and, as I looked back at my friends, I could see my fears on their faces as well. Some part of me wished that I was sitting in the back too, but no, I sat shotgun and I now have the pleasure of watching my life flash before my eyes. I was sure that she didn’t drive like this yesterday, but yesterday she wasn’t as furious as only a mother could make you.

Selene had tried to scold Anne for talking back, but the stubborn girl that we were getting to know did nothing, but turn her back and stride out of the front door. Of course I understand the teenage angst that she was feeling, but something about their attitudes to each other seemed off. A mother should’ve been charging after their rebellious daughter, seething for the loud slam of the door and the cruelty of her words, but Selene just seemed done. As if she knew she couldn’t do anything, she just turned and walked away in the opposite direction that Anne had gone.

Anne seemed to be taking her frustrations out on the highway as her foot pressed harder on the accelerator and we hit the 60’s on a 30 mile/hour road. She didn’t seem to care even as we overtook a car, nearly swerving off of the road. Invincibility radiated off of her, but it wasn’t contagious. Her authority, on the other hand, was enough to keep us all quiet, even while we flinched at every car that we passed. By the time we got to the school, the only word any of us had spoke was, “Fuck!” on Timothy’s behalf. Anne was breathing hard, gripping the wheel so hard that her knuckles had turned white. She closed her eyes, taking a long, deep, breath and leaning her head on the steering wheel.

“Go.” She ordered. “I’ll see you guys later.”

Jessica, Sara, John, and Timothy immediately scrambled out of the car, but I remained. I placed a hand on her back, attempting to provide some type of comfort until she finally leaned back, her head now on the head rest and her face tilted up, eyes still closed. “I’m sorry. I caused all of this.” I said.

“I’m not mad at you, but if you say that again I will be.” She hissed. She still refused to look at me and that made me want to see her warm, brown, eyes even more.

“Look at me.” I said, taking her face gently with one hand and turning her to face me. “What’s wrong?”

She slowly opened her eyes and there was more than warmth in them. Her eyes burned with a blazing fire and I finally felt the feverish temperature of her skin, but she didn’t seem fazed. “Are you alright?” I asked. She seemed as if she was burning from the inside out.

“I’m fine.” She answered, but her voice was strained. “But you need to get your hand off of me and you need to leave.”

I exited the car reluctantly, but the tone of her voice was clear that she would not put up with any arguments. I’ve already done enough to cause her trouble, so I did as she asked and walked into school alone. I ignored the other’s questions as they wondered where she’d gone. Everything that had happened last night was ruined by this morning. How am I supposed to apologize to her mom? She didn’t seem to like me much yesterday night and, after this morning, I’m probably not on her favorite list of people.

School lasted for what seemed like forever when all I needed was to talk to Anne alone. Last night was amazing. She looked adorable as I cradled her in my arms. She was so peaceful and vulnerable without the usual strictness in her movements. I had lied with her in my arms and listened to her breathing slow as she fell asleep. I had run my hands through her soft hair, letting twine around my fingers. I felt her pull closer to my chest and inhaled her vanilla scent until I finally drifted off with my arms wrapped around her.

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