Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

*Roxanne Cain*

It was dark. The smell of smoke hung in the air making it so hard to breathe. Candace, Tiffany, Amara and I were silenced instantly as the gruesome sight unfolded before us. Shrieks overtook the silence and I passively realized that it was us. Moments after mother burst through the door to the attic that we had just come from and a horrified look came over her once relaxed features. The room was filled with the bodies of our beloved.

The people we've known all of our lives. The friends we've kept for so long. All of them lay before us gasping for their final breaths with streaks of tears dried on their face and my eyes finally landed on the boy that I had given my heart to from the very beginning. Michael Blair.

I ran to his side, taking his hand in mine and wiping the blood and tears from his face. He tried to speak, but no words could find their way out, only a choking sound like gurgling water. I pressed my finger to his soft lips, gesturing for him to be quiet. My sobs were making it impossible to speak now and I could feel my heart breaking at the sight before me.

One by one they died around me, but I couldn't do a thing. Each loved one perished as we sat in their midst trying to ease the meanwhile being overwhelmed with our own emotional hurt. I sat with Cal's head on my lap while Christopher burst through the door and sat down beside me. Quiet tears fell from his eyes, dripping to Cal's hand as he held it.

I couldn't take it anymore. There has to be a way to make it stop, but no solution presented itself. No saviour came to our rescue. No miracle fell from the sky and in all of this tragedy we learned the truth. There is no truth to God. There is no gift from the Heavens and the story of The Origin is just a story for no Angel appeared to rid us of the pain. We are alone in this earth to battle for our lives.

I buried my face in his dark hair, breathing in his smell of mint and the traces of fire that was left in his hair. His breaths were shallow gasps of air and I planted a kiss on his hair lifting my head to look in his eyes, running my hands through his black hair, only, it wasn't black-

I looked into the sky blue eyes of Jace, my hands were tangled in his soft blonde hair. My hands were covered in his blood now. We were no longer in the attic at Salem, but the basement of Cain Manor. All around me are the dying bodies of everyone that we had gathered tonight and I cried, holding him closer to me as he tried to speak.
"I love you." He choked out the same words Cal had said just before his body went limp in my arms.

"No, no. Not you too. Please no." I begged. "Please don't leave me. Please." But again, nothing happened and all I felt was my body shaking and my loud sobs as I stood, the only living body in a room of death. "No!" I screamed, anger and sadness filled me.

His voice still echoed in my ears. He was calling my name, starting as a whisper, growing louder like a chant.


*Jason Goode*

I was sitting by her bed, just watching her sleep. Her eyes were restless, moving behind closed eyelids, but otherwise she was peaceful. I held her hand, rubbing circles on the soft skin on the back of her hand. It seemed to calm her.

There was barely any light in the room, only a sliver of soft light from the slit through the window curtains. The air was cold, but the cold didn't bother me. It seemed to bother Anne though. She was curled into an adorable little ball, wrapping the blankets as close as she could to her body. Her skin was still cold to the touch. Everything was quiet. No noise interrupted us and I started to drift to sleep in the soft chair that I was resting on.

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