Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

*Raven Lyluna*

The others' faces mirrored my own thoughts. I've seen it with my own eyes, but there's no possible way. It can’t be real. It can't be true, just because it isn't. It's what logic tells us. It's what the world says is the truth.

Magick isn't real. Science is.

Witches don't exist. Magicians and trickery does.

But none of those can explain what stands before us. Nothing can explain the knife wound that just disappeared from Stephanie' s gut. No scientist can tell me where that blue fire came from. And still my mind denies it. My thoughts refuse to wrap themselves around a fact that has no proof.

But there is proof. Their standing right in front of us. They did all that. They controlled it with these so called gifts. These Witches. My friends. People I have known for so long. People I had considered my family. But I didn’t know them at all did I? Now that I think of it, this could explain a lot of the things that happens whenever we were ever around them.

"This is ridiculous!" I exclaimed. "There's no way this is real."

"After everything you've just seen, do you really believe that?" Hunter tried to reason.

I don't believe it, but logic is clinging to me. It can't be true.

"Please, just try to keep an open mind about this." Jason asked, but Melissa, Diana, Austin, Ryan and I continued to stare at him like he's grown another head. The others of course are staring expectantly at us as if we're the odd ones here or not believing such a fucked up concept. ‘Cause why would they be the odd ones for believing in magick?

Roxanne took the lead again just as she had last night at the party. She stood between Hunter and Jason and spoke as if her word was law.

"Magick is real." She stated as if it's as easy as saying that we live on Earth. "Forget everything anyone has ever told you otherwise. It's real and they're wrong." She looked at us, authority seeping from her every pore as she commanded us.

She turned looking at all of us one at a time. Her brown eyes seemed to search for something in us, like she could see into our minds. She probably could for all I knew, but the look itself gave me a steadying feeling. Something that made me feel like not everything in the world was falling away.

"Any and all of you can choose walk out of this house right now, no one is stopping you, but if that is your choice you should know that you will have no recollection of last night. The only thing you'll know is you partied. It was great. You got trashed and Hunter, Stephanie, or Jason brought you home. You won't remember this house or anything that happened the moment you stepped into the room in the hallway." She told us.

Diana immediately moved. "Good, cuz I'm so out." She started for the door, but Hunter stood in her way with a pleading look in his eyes.

"Please, just listen to her."

She gave him an annoyed glare, but turned around, her hip cocked and arms crossed in a defiant stance. "Fine, what?"

Anyone who had a pair of eyes could see the annoyance in Anne’s eyes as she faced Diana. "Everything that happened last night wasn't a one time thing. Drake knew what he wanted and he wanted Stephanie-" Anne continued, but Diana cut her off again.

"That's none of my problem."

"Except for the fact that he wasn't after only Stephanie, he's here for all BloodWitches and that includes me." Hunter took over. "If you still want to leave, then go ahead, but this isn't over. Not until we can stop them or until they kill all of us."

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