Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 

*Amara Bradbury*

I looked to my nightstand, at the blinking clock.

‘11:30 p.m.’

'Whoever is calling me at this hour better have a good reason or they will greatly regret it.' I thought to myself as the phone beside me rang continuously.

"Thirty seconds to speak." I hissed into the speaker. I liked to rest, these past few years, I’ve nearly lost all my ability to interact socially. I rarely talk to others who aren’t like me, but even then it isn’t the same as before.

"Hello, my lovely." I heard an all too familiar voice speak through the phone. I sat up from my bed so quickly that I almost dropped the phone.

"Annabelle!" I squealed.

"Miss me?" She cooed. Yes, yes I have. After two years of hiding and running from the past, going months without speaking to a single person from my own life, her voice was great to hear.

"How are you? Where are you? Is Candace and-" She interrupted my ranting since she knows as well as I that I wouldn’t have stopped any time soon. I was happy and nothing could take me away from this right now, not even my lack of sleep.

"Not now. We can talk when you get here. I'm thinking of forming a Coven and I need help."

She hasn’t changed a bit. She was never one to ask. Everyone knew that she would be a High Priestess one day if her affinities were any indication. Everyone, but her. She has no idea of the prophecies that Cal received from her, but I guess it starts now and I’ll be damned if I let myself miss out on this.

 "Just tell me where." I said already rolling out of my bed to pull the black suitcase out from under my bed because it’s not like she actually needed to ask. I would’ve been there now if I could.

 "1602 Greenwood Avenue, Hamilton Ohio." She recited. "Twenty-four hours." She told me before I heard the abrupt click of the ending phone call.

 After all the years that I’ve spent hiding from the people that I love, the only family that I have left, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do at the moment. Even if she had asked me to meet her in hell, I would’ve been there. It certainly beats pretending to be some ordinary girl that I’m not because I’m definitely not ordinary and I would much rather being me.


*Jason Goode*

We arrived at Anne's house just an hour before midnight struck and I had been sprawled out on the bed in a spare room staring at the ceiling for almost half an hour. My head was spinning with questions with no answers and her.

I couldn't seem to wrap my head around everything that's changed in less than two fucking days. I had finally started to learn something about my existence and suddenly this woman from out of nowhere knows my family and I better than I do.

All I knew is that the girl who is only to rooms away from me has answers, but being around her just brings up more questions. She was the only one who has ever managed to calm me down the way she did. The only girl who seemed to have as much secrets as I do, but at least she has more answers. She knew who she was, but I didn't. 

I was snapped out of my reverie of thoughts when the soft thuds of footsteps and high-pitched squeaks of the floorboards passed by my door. I hesitated for a moment before curiosity took over my body and I quietly followed down the hall in the direction the footsteps had gone. I might as well see who else is up rather than sitting alone in a dark room.

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