A New Fairy Tail Member - Chapter 44 - Operation: Melanie and Gray's First Date!

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A New Fairy Tail Member

Chapter 44 - Operation: Melanie and Gray's First Date!

In my apartment, I continued to look at the pin my parents gave to me. As I moved it around, it continued to sparkle from the Sun's rays coming from my window. It was stunning.

"I have to wear this on behalf of my family. *exhales* I better make sure that this doesn't get out of my sight," I thought as I placed the pin on my shirt.

"Well, time to go to Fairy Tail," I said as I exited my apartment.


"CONGRATULATIONS YOU HUGGED!!!!", everyone cheered as Gray sat on a bench, annoyed.

He exhaled, "Why are you guys into our relationship so much?!" -_-

"It was just so sudden that's why," Mirajane said with a smile.

"But, seriously, this is starting to get annoying..."

I walked in, finding everyone standing side by side, leaving room for me to walk down in the middle.

"Um...thank you everyone..", I said in a confused tone as I walked down.

"No problem, Lady Fullbuster!", everyone said in unison.

I turned around, "EHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!"  O_O

"Why are you calling me that?! What's going on?!", I yelled.

"I'm leaving now," Happy said as he started to fly away.

"Happy.....", I said with an angry tone as Happy started to tremble.

"What did you say now?"

"Um..I said that I saw you and Gray hugging each other in front of your house..."


"But, it wasn't just me. I was with Natsu, Lucy, Erza, Aurelie, and Daniel."

"So, instead of going to the station and waiting for us, you hid and spied on us," I explained.



"Melanie....calm down..", Lucy said.

"I'm sorry, Melanie. You have the right...TO PUNISH ME IN ANYWAY!!", Erza said in a dramatic tone.

"Umm...." -_-"

"You're right, we shouldn't have spread rumours. Like Gray said, you guys just want a peaceful relationship. Will you forgive us?", Erza said in a polite manner.

"But, Erza, it was kinda funny how Melanie reac--" Natsu got cut off when Erza smashed her fist on his head to shut him up.

"Please forgive him as well for his inappropriate behavior."

I exhaled and smiled, "Alright. I forgive you."

Everyone smiled as I looked at Gray.

He exhaled and looked to the side, "I forgive you, too."

Everyone cheered.

I smiled at Gray as I looked at everyone.

"Hey, now that we know that Gray and Melanie like each other, have they went on a date?", Master asked.

Everyone reacted with surprise, including Gray and me.

"Date?!", Gray and I exclaimed in unison.

A New Fairy Tail Member (ANFTM Series) - Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now