A New Fairy Tail Member - Chapter 47 - Meeting the Guilds!

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A New Fairy Tail Member

Chapter 47 - Meeting the Guilds!

We have arrived in Floria Forest. Master told us to find a building in the forest. That was the place where we were supposed to meet everyone. When we found the place, we walked inside.

"Wow! This place is huge!", Lucy said with awe.

"This place is amazing!", Aurelie added.

The place was a little cabin. In the center of the room, there was a fireplace that wasn't lit up. On the walls, there were paintings and windows. And of course, there was a couch, chairs, and a coffee table. The place looked fabulous.

"Are we here already?", Natsu said in a nauseous tone, touching the wall with his hands. We traveled by carriage after all.

"We're here Natsu. You made it," Happy assured.

Natsu fell to the ground with joy, but still nauseous. "Thank goodness..."

I walked towards the couch and sat on it, taking a breath. Then, I noticed Aurelie who was standing alone, next to a window. She looked uncomfortable. Worried, I got up and walked towards her.

"Are you alright?", I asked Aurelie as she reacted with surprise and looked at me.

"Yeah. I'm alright," she replied with a smile.

"Are you sure? You looked pretty uncomfortable."

"No really..I'm fine..."

Aurelie looked at Laxus who was talking to Gray about Natsu being sick. I noticed and asked, "Did something happen between you and Laxus?"

She looked at me, "N-Nothing happened."

"Everytime you notice him, you get all worked up. Is something wrong?"

"N-No..." She looked away, trying to hide her blushing face.

I took a breath, "It's okay. You don't have to tell me."

Her eyes widened as she looked at me, while blushing.

"Just tell me when you're ready," I added with a smile.

She smiled back, "Okay...thank you, Melanie.."

I kept smiling, but removed it when voices were heard. The voices continued to repeat themselves. Which was wierd...

"Hello hello hello!"

"Hello hello hello!"

"We are here!"

"We are here!"

"We are!"

"We are!"

"The representatives for Blue Pegasus!"

A guy with brownish blond hair, a guy with black hair, and a guy with blond hair appeared.

"Hibiki of the Hundred Nights! Eve of the Holy Night! Ren of the Silent Night! Nice to see you again!"

I looked at the men that stood before us and the men that were in our team. Yes, Natsu and Gray.

"OH CRAP! WHERE DID I LEAVE MY PANTS!!!", Gray yelled as he was in his underwear (again) and ran out to find his pants. He came back seconds later, panting.

Natsu was still nauseous on the ground.

"Hang in there, Natsu! I will heal you!", Wendy yelled as she started to heal Natsu.

Near the wall was Laxus, just listening to music in his headphones.

Me: =_=" Wow...the men from Blue Pegasus really make us look bad...

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