A New Fairy Tail Member - Chapter 53 - The Alliance vs. Oracion Seis! (1/3)

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A New Fairy Tail Member

Chapter 53 - The Alliance vs. Oracion Seis (1/3)

We made our way towards Tulado Heights, an empty area covered with mountains, outside of Magnolia. While we were walking, I noticed Gray, looking down. I walked towards Lucy and asked, "Do you know what happened to Gray?"

"No. I don't. After he called you and Ren out for dinner, he walked away, looking down."

I reacted with surprise as I looked at him, "Did he listen to our conversation?"

"She was always so competitive, yet sweet, kind, thoughtful, and cheerful.That time........was when I fell in love with her....That girl....was you..."

"Did he listen to that part?" I looked to the side, "Gray..."

"We're here," Erza stated as the Oracion Seis members appeared before us.

"Hello Fairy Tail, Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale. It's amazing how you are still alive after the attack," Midnight said.

Midnight look at me, "Hello, Melanie."

I looked at him with anger in my eyes.

"Seems like you're still alive as well. That's great," Midnight said with sarcasm.

"Why did you do that to our guilds?! Why?! Everyone had no part in this!", Lucy yelled.

"You are a part of guilds aren't you? As revenge, we destroyed them. The ones that are of the alliance," Angel explained.

Everyone reacted with surprise.

"Destroying your guilds was no problem. That made our plan MUCH easier," Cobra said.

"WE WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!!!!", Erza yelled as she started running to them. "ATTACK!!!!!"

Everyone screamed as we followed Erza towards the members.

"Angel. You're first," Midnight said.

"Okay, Master," she replied.

Angel stopped in front of Lucy and pushed her to the ground.

"You!", Lucy yelled as Angel smiled and pushed her again.

"Lucy!", I yelled as I ran to her and helped her get up.

"Are you alright, Lucy!", Erza yelled.

"I'm alright!", Lucy responded.

"Oh my..looke here. A friend worried about another friend. How pathetic," Angel said as we clenched our teeth.

Angel smiled.

Angel: Open! Gate of the Paired Fish: Pisces!

Two big fish came out of the ground and pushed us to the ground.

I slowly got up.

Me: Ex-quip! The Earth Warrior!

I got my sword and ran towards the two fish. I jumped into the air and slashed the two fish, making them disappear. Once they disappeared, I landed on the ground and got into position.

"Wow...", Eve said.

"She made them disappear with one slash..", Shelly said.

I looked at her and smiled.

"Don't underestimate me you S-Class Wizard!", Angel yelled.

Angel: Open! Gate of the Heavenly Scales: Libra!

"Add weight to her body!"

"Yes, Master!", Libra replied.

"I won't let you!", I yelled.

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