A New Fairy Tail Member - Chapter 70 - The Fairy Tail Warrior!

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A New Fairy Tail Member

Chapter 70 - The Fairy Tail Warrior!

As we ran to each other, I raised my spear and tried to slash Zeref as we passed each other. But, Zeref was not slashed.

Zeref: Death Wave!

I moved the spear to the side as the attack was reflected.

"My attack was reflected?!", Zeref yelled with surprise.

His eyes became full of anger as started to throw death orbs that were supposed to destroy me.

I continued to move my spear around and reflect the attacks.

"THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE!", Zeref yelled as he clapped his hands together and formed a strong death wave.

I stuck my spear in the ground as it created a barrier that showed Fairy Tail's mark. Again, the attack was reflected.

Zeref's eyes showed how he was about to panic.

I smiled, "What do you have to say now?"

"Heh," Zeref smiled as a cage appeared on top of me and shocked me with its dark power.

I yelled with pain as I got shocked and I fell to my knees.

"Melanie!", everyone yelled.

Zeref looked at them and pushed them away, making them fall to the ground.

He laughed with satisfaction, "This is so much fun!"

I groaned as I tried to sit up straight, "W-Why are you doing this?", I said as I tried to talk.

"Doing this makes me feel alive! It is an amazing feeling, Melanie!", Zeref said with happiness.

"Why? You are supposed to be a wizard of the light! Not the wizard of darkness!"

"Being a wizard of the light is boring!"

I gasped with surprise.

He walked up to me and looked at me, "When you are a wizard of the darkness, you get to do whatever you want. You don't have to follow any safety rules! You don't have to follow a thing! It's amazing!"

I looked down and started to tremble, "But, you are hurting innocent people! What would our family think about what you are doing?!"

"I don't care! I don't care! Whatever happens I don't care. Whatever happens, happens. It's life!"

"That's not what you should say! You do care! You do care about what happens! Stop telling these lies!"

"Who said that?!", Zeref yelled out of the blue.


"Zeref, please stop this nonsense! You are a wizard of the light! Not the darkness!"

"I can hear the voices," I whispered to myself.


"Our family...is calling out too Zeref!"

Voices started to scream in Zeref's head that he placed his hands on his head as it started to throb with pain. He started to scream with pain and fall to his knees. "NO!!!!!!!! NO! NO! NO!!!!!!!"

I continued to look at him as the cage slowly disappeared from Zeref's lack of focus.


Once the cage disappeared, I walked up to Zeref as he trembled with pain.

I showed my hand and smiled, "Our family wants you to stop. This is enough, Zeref. Please. Just stop this nonsense and let me heal you....as your cousin..."

A New Fairy Tail Member (ANFTM Series) - Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now