A New Fairy Tail Member - Chapter 72 - Back Where I Belong

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A New Fairy Tail Member

Chapter 72 - Back Where I Belong


Everyone's mouths opened with surprise as they looked at me.

I smiled, "I'm home!"

Everyone was silent and immediately ran up to me with tears of joy, "MELANIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I reacted with surprise as everyone crowded me, "YOU'RE OKAY!!!!!!!!"

I continued to smile and blush as I notice Master go down from the bar counter.

"Melanie...", Master said.

Everyone moved away from me, leaving room for Master to walk to me.

"Master...", I looked down.

"What happened?"

I exhaled before I explained everything.


When I disappeared, I woke up in the middle of nowhere. My surroundings were white and there were no objects. I was all alone.

"Where am I?", I said to myself as I looked around, hoping to find some help somehow. "Hello! Is anybody here?"

No response.

"How am I going to get out of here?"

Suddenly, a bright light appeared before my eyes. I closed my eyes and shielded them.

Once the light dimmed, I opened my eyes, finding out that I ended up in Edolas.

I reacted with surprise, "Why am I in Edolas?"

"Melanie?", a voice asked.

I turned around and found Mystogan.

"Mystogan!", I said with happiness.

He walked up to me, "What are you doing here?"

"I-I don't know," I shrugged.

"Come with me. You can tell me everything in the castle," he said with a smile as he gestured me towards the castle.


 I explained how I sacrificed my life to save everyone and he nodded his head.

"I understand. Since you sacrificed your life, you were transferred into another world. In other words, you were transferred here to Edolas," Mystogan explained.


"Since you sacrificed your life in Earthland, you didn't exist anymore. So, you transferred here to live a new life."

"But.....but I don't want to live a new life!"

Mystogan looked down.

I started to tremble, "What am I going to do? I want to stay in Earthland with everyone! I want to exist there! I....."

Slience fell.

I looked down awkwardly.

"I know how you feel," Mystogan stated.

I looked at him.

"I'll help you get back to Earthland."


"Yes. It will be difficult, so I need you cooperation."

"Okay. Thank you!"

"No problem at all."


In order to get me back to Earthland, Mystogan created a portal using his magic. Also, his companions lent their magic to help create the portal. Sugar Boy, Hughes, Byro, Coco, and Erza Knightwalker helped.

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