A New Fairy Tail Member - Chapter 61 - Melanie and Gray's Second Date!

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A New Fairy Tail Member

Chapter 61 - Melanie and Gray's Second Date!


"Oi! Everyone! Have you seen Melanie?", Natsu asked.

Lucy, Erza, and Aurelie looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Is there a problem?", Erza asked.

"I just wanted to return her pin. When the battle was over, the pin happened to get caught with my scarf."



"Melanie's in her apartment," Gray said as he walked towards them. "I stopped by her apartment and she said that she wanted to finish her novel. Yesterday, in the park, a person noticed her writing. So, he asked her if she wants to enter her writing into a contest. The person happened to be a judge of the contest."

"Oh. So, that's why she's not here," Natsu replied.

"I hope her novel gets first place!", Lucy said.

"Hey, Lucy. Do you want to enter?", Happy asked.

Lucy: =_=" "Unfortunately, I forgot where I placed my writing."

"What?!", everone exclaimed in unison.

"I finished it, so I gave it to Levy. Then, she gave it to Jet and Droy. After that, Droy gave it to Mirajane and then Mirajane gave it to Master. I have no idea what happened after that."

"Okay...", Natsu said awkwardly.


"Anyways! When are you going on a date again?", Erza asked.

"U-Umm...", Gray replied, feeling a little bit uncomfortable.

"Aww. Do you need help from the Love Teacher?"

Suddenly, she ex-quipped into The Love Teacher as everyone sweatdropped.

"Ooh! I know the perfect event! They are holding a ball in the park to celebrate the tree's age!"

"Oh my! That sounds so romantic!", Lucy said with eyes filled with awe.

"A ball?", Gray asked.


"Why did you change?", I looked at him with worried eyes. "What happened to the Gray I know?"

"You don't have to change your look for me."

"You don't have to be romantic, Gray."

"I like you for who you are."


Gray shook his head, "Nah. Not my thing."

"But, it's so romantic!", Lucy and Erza yelled in unison.

"Melanie likes me for me. Dancing isn't my thing."

Erza sighed, "Alright. What do you want to do then?"

Gray looked to the side and grinned, "I have an idea."



I stacked my chapters neatly on my desk and stapled them together.

"Yay! I'm finished!", I yelled with joy.

"Now all I have to do is mail it."


A knock was heard on my door.

A New Fairy Tail Member (ANFTM Series) - Volume 2Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu