A New Fairy Tail Member - Chapter 56 - Aquamarine

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A New Fairy Tail Member

Chapter 56 - Aquamarine

"YOU GUYS LOVE EACH OTHER?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!", everyone yelled with surprise.

Gray and I sat on a bench, feeling annoyed. "Wow. You guys catch up very fast =_=", I said with an annoyed tone.

"When and where did you confess to each other?!", Lucy yelled as she, Levy, and Aurelie leaned towards me. 


"That's enough everyone!", Mirajane yelled politely. "You must leave them alone."

"But!", Aurelie yelled with a begging tone.

"THAT'S ENOUGH EVERYONE!", Master yelled in his beast form.

Everyone became quiet as Master shrunk down to his normal self.

"Everyone. We all know that Gray is a lonely person and he can never fall in love with a girl like Melanie. But, you should leave Gray and Melanie's relationship alone. Melanie is Gray's first love and this may be very shocking, but, they don't want any crowding."

Everyone looked down.


"Yes, Master."

"Good. Carry on with what you were doing."

Lucy, Levy, and Aurelie walked up to us with guilty looks on their faces, "Sorry for crowding you two."

Gray and I looked at each other and looked at them, "It's alright", I said with an assuring smile.

They smiled back. I leaned towards them and whispered, "Since you apologized, I can tell you all the info!"

"Really?", Aurelie asked.

I nodded with a smile as we all squealed like fangirls. In the background, Gray just rolled his eyes and looked to the side with a grin.

Suddenly, I sensed a blade, flying through the air, heading towards Aurelie's head. I widened my eyes, "AURELIE! LOOK OUT!"

I ran towards her and pushed her out of the way as the blade flew into the wall. Everyone was surprised.

I looked at the entrance. "Who's there! Show yourself!"

A girl walked into the entrance. She had dark brown hair and aqua colored eyes.

"Hello, Aurelie. Do you remember me?"

Aurelie's eyes widened, "A-Aquamarine?"

Aquamarine smiled.

"Aurelie? Who is this?", I asked.

"Th-This is Aquamarine Dreyar....my sister....."

Everyone's eyes widened.

"You...have a sister?"

Aurelie looked down. "I don't just have a sister. I have a brother too..."

We all looked at her as she walked towards Laxus, who reacted with surprise as she looked at him.

"You are my brother, Laxus," she said with a polite smile.

The room was silent for a moment.

"LAXUS IS YOUR BROTHER?!", everyone yelled with surprise.

"So, you three are siblings?", Juvia asked.

Aurelie nodded.

Everyone went into a state of shock.


Master walked towards Aurelie as she turned around and looked at him.

"Is this true?", he asked.

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