People Change

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<Lucy pov>

"I-I'm sorry Natsu, I'm sorry for trying. I'm sorry for trying to fix a gap to big, I'm sorry for trying to force you too feel better. I'm so sorry." I sniffled. "Lissana's back, that a good thing." I said mostly reassuring myself.

"It's obvious you like her Natsu, you should be with her." I chocked. "I think she likes you too." I struggled to hold down my cries as I pretty much handed Natsu to Lissana.

I wasn't even putting up a fight. I just gave up. I'm a quitter. But that's a good thing in this situation. At least one of us can be happy.

"Luce.."I heard Natsu cut off his words. Not sure what to say next. Or what can be said. "I like you a lot Lucy, I really do, but my heart belongs to Lissana." He said the last part a little quicker, probably embarrassed. That was deep, I mean for Natsu that was deep man.

"I understand."I chocked, I heard his footsteps slowly back away from the door. With each step a tear fell. And soon enough I was a mess. My emotions were a mess. I was upset, angry,happy all at the same time.

After another day of sulking in my room I finally got the courage to go back to the guild.

"I'm back!" I said nervously, as I slowly walked into the guild. Instead of getting the usual waves and smiles. I got a few looks of disgust and hatred.

"It's weakfellia!" Warren said, as he started pointing and laughing at me. A few other joined in. I just stood there in shock. The people I grew up with spent so much time with are treating me as if I was nothing to them. Who knows maybe it's a prank.

I slowly walk over to the bar to find Mira.

"Hey Mira, can I get the usual." I say my confidence going down by the second.

"No, Lucy you sunk the ship! You didn't even try to keep the ship afloat!" She cried and sidled off to the other side of the bar. Is she crazy?! Are her ships seriously that important? Damn woman.

"Lucy! What did you do to Mira!" Elfman yelled. "I saw her crying saying why Lucy why!" He yelled, by then some of the guild mates started crowding around me and Elfman.

"You don't deserve to be here! First you ignore Lissana as if she meant nothing to you! Then you make Mira cry!" I looked around to see more and more people gathering around Elfman.

I couldn't say anything. I did make Mira cry, I did ignore Lissana. I couldn't defend myself or I would be lying and make the situation worse.

"Look she's so weak! She won't even stand up for herself." I heard someone in the back of the crowd say.




They all started calling me these mean names, laughing and pointing at me. I saw Levy try to stop them, but she was to small and too quite to do anything.

Tears were starting to form in my eyes. I couldn't take this, my friends, my family, the people who took me in who grew up with me. The very people who made my life full of happiness and warmth. Were treating me like trash.

"Look Weakfellia is gonna cry!" Someone mocked.

Then they did something, unforgivable. They shot me with their magic. Everyone except Levy, Jurvia, Gajeel, Wendy and the exceeds.

Would Natsu shoot me? Would he stand up for me?

"Heavens Wheel!" I heard a certain red head yell. She then threw a sword through my stomach.

"Fire dragon roar!" Natsu yelled and burnt my arms and stomach.

"Aughhh!" I yelled in pain. That's it, I can't stand anymore of this torture. "You finally did it. You crossed the line." I said as my body began to glow a bright almost blinding yellow.

Lucy the Angel In Disguise ~ A stinglu fanficWhere stories live. Discover now