The fifth game pt 1

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"Guys it's the day before the last day of the gmg! We are currently in the lead with 85 pointes but Fairytail team A is close with 75." I said as I grabbed my plate and joined the rest at the dining table.

"Can we start taking off limiters?" Bella asked.

I had told everyone to keep at least 10 limiters on at all times.

"Sure, time to get our warm ups in. We can bring it down to 5. Tomorrow none." I smirk.

"This is gonna be fun." Sting says in a serious tone.


"Welcome ladies and gents to the 3rd day of the Grand Magic Games!" Capo announced.

"Today's guest judges are Rin, Yukuino, and Sheima from the guild Blue Exorcist!" The crowd goes wild.

"Rin, Yuki we love you!" Some crazy fangirls yell.

Where in the world do they get these people from?! (Netflix)

"Well anyway on to today's games! We have decided to bring back some fan favorites before the last day." Capo yelled.

"The first game...Pandemonium"

My eyes went wide and shimmered. "I love this one!" I squealed.

"Then you can do it." Sting and Rough said at the same time.

"Really!" I said like kid with some candy.

"Go for it!" Sting said giving me a thumbs up.

"Weeee!" I cheered.

"All guilds choose your competitors!" Rin announced.

I jumped off the balcony a smile plastered on my face.

"And here they are folks!" Capo yelled. "Lucy from Sabortooth, Abagail from Ravins Heart, Aria from Linky, Natsu from Fairytail, Mira from Fairytail, Jura from Lamia Scale, Milly from Demons Grace, Eve from Blue Pegasus. (I'm just gonna add in some guilds because it's been to long and I forgot what guilds were actually in this to begin with) "Milliana from Mermaids Heel, and Quwan from Quartro Puppy.

"Like last year we will choose sticks to decided the order."

"Angel eyes." I muttered allowing me to see through the stick and see the numbers. I know it might cheating and all but I really love this game.

"Lucy please choose yours stick." Rin said as Milliana choose her's. Luckily I was called second and Milliana didn't choose the 'first' stick.

I grabbed stick labeled 1 and walked to the side. I couldn't help but smile.

"Ok and the order is surprisingly the same order that we had called the competitors down by." Rin chuckled.

"Lucy from Sabortooth, Abagail from Ravins Heart, Aria from Linky, Natsu from Fairytail, Mira from Fairytail, Jura from Lamia Scale, Milly from Demons Grace, Eve from Blue Pegasus Milliana from Mermaids Heel, and finally Quwan from Quartro Puppy."

"Before we begin I would like to note this is not the same Pandemonium from the past. We have switched it up. Instead of having A, B, C, D's class monster and one S class monster; that total to 100 monsters. We have 210?monsters that rank C D and S. There are 70 of each." Rin said with a smirk..

"This is gonna be a challenge." I heard Aria say to herself.

"Don't worry, I'll take them all out for you." I said turning my stick to her and smiling.

"Lucy Heartfellia are you ready?" Rin asks.

"Nope I need a second." I say with a smirk.

"Requip: Combat!" I say. I glow a bright yellow. When it fades I'm wearing white shorts with black accents, black and white sneakers, and a white t-shirt and a silver wrap around bracelet.

I tap my bracelet and it spits into 6 pieces. My limiters. Each bracelet holds the strength of 10 limiters.

I slowly take off 5 of the bracelets and magic waves start seeping out of me.

"Wow! Talk about a upgrade." Rin says his mouth left slightly open in awe.

"Sorry for wasting your time, just needing to switch to my combat cloths." I sigh.

"If you don't mind us asking what are those bracelets? When you took them off you started emitting a lot magic waves." Rin points out.

"Oh these? There magic limiters." I say with a smile.

"Wow, this much magic energy and your still wearing 5 limiters. You are one strong mage." Rin says with a smile.

"Why' thank you." I say with a smile.

"Well it's time for Pandemonium! How many monsters do you want to fight?" Rin asked.

"All....of.....them." I said holding every word.

"Did you hear that folks! Lucy is fighting all of the monsters in one go!" Capo cheers.

My booth gives me these shocked stares. I simply stick my tongue out and smile.

"Let's get started then!"

I slowly start walking into the castle.

"How should I play this?" I ask no one as I continue making my way inside.

"Ooh I know." I smirk.

There's a loud slam as the doors close behind me.

"I can see you, you know that right?" I say to the monster hiding behind a pole to my right.

The monster jumps out and starts running towards me.

It's a fairly big monster, but it doesn't look stronger than a C rank.

"Begone thot!" I yell as I focus my magic energy to my fingers and flick the monster in the head.

It gets sent flying into the wall and dies with crystal shards taking its place before vanishing. (SAO death style)

"Who's next?" I say cracking my knuckles.

A group of C class monsters run towards me.

"Heavens Judgement!" I yell wiping them all out.

"Wow would you look at that! In only 10 minutes Lucy Heartfeillia has wiped out 50 monsters! One 160 to go." Yuki announces.

"This is taking to long." I sigh rolling my eyes.

"Angel eyes." I whisper. I look around the room.

20 behind those pillars on my right. 35 behind the pillars on my left. And those should be all of the C class monsters and half of the D class.

"Celestial Dragon lost arts: Celestial Daggers." I yell. Suddenly galaxy colored beams shoot out from me. They instantly head for their targets destroying anything in their path.

"Much more efficient." I say as the smoke clears and the monsters are found dead.

"Only 105 monsters left." I say wiping a single drop of sweat from my forehead.

"Would you look at that! Lucy has taken out half of the monsters in less than half and hour!" Capo yells. I could hear the crowd screams from inside.

"I'm only getting started.

That's all for today! See you next chapter!



(Still waiting for confirmation that, that is the correct spelling)

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