Heading home - Final Chapter

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First thanks for reading to this chapter. Please read the authors note at the end as it has important info. That's all for now.

[Delia pov]

A sigh left my mouth as I put my last bag into my requip space. It's been a month since Sting proposed, though it seems like it was only a week. To be honest the month was a blur.

I remember some major things of course but all in all I was so busy. It all kinda just happened.

After the gmg's we went over to Fairytail to make amends. Turns out they kicked Lisanna out of the guild. I mean I feel sorry for her, but she kinda ruined my life so I really don't.

A week after that, I think we just chilled at the guild. By chilled I mean partied like the world was gonna end tomorrow.

The week after that, we made a public announcement that we were going to hand over the title of #1 guild to Fairytail, as they came in second.

The week after that we started signing paperwork to close the guild. Though it was the og guild hall, we were moving to a different realm, and we really don't know when we will be coming back.

And now, we're packing for our leave. Though not everyone agreed about 95% of the guild is joining us in the cloud realm.

Leaving here is almost as sad as when I left home. Who am I kidding this is as much of a home to me as the kingdom.

"Delia! Why you at." A familiar blue haired mage's voice ran though the empty guild hall.

"My office!" I yell my reply.

"Hey are you ready to go?" Levy asked poking her head into my office.

"Yah..." my voice trailed off at the thought of leaving.

"Isn't this what you've been waiting for?" Levy asked slowly makes me her way towards me.

"Yah, it's just. I don't know I'm scared." I admitted.

"Scared? You've been here for like 12 years! Shouldn't you be happy to go home. You have a kingdom waiting to see you, along with you family."

"I'm scared to rule a kingdom, aren't you?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Levy asked. I almost laughed at that one.

"Your marrying a prince. Who will eventually become king." I said looking at Levy with one of those duh faces.

"Ohhh, that's what you mean." Levy giggled. "I'm excited more than anything, being queen would give me so many opportunities to learn about the other realms!"

"Oh course it would." I muttered.

"Well anyway let's go! I can't wait to meet the rest of your family, and see your realm. From what you told me it's the most beautiful realm out there." Levy cheered eyes sparkling.

"You know what, your right. I have been waiting for this moment for so long. And now it's finally happening. I get to go home." I smiled as I stood up from my desk. "Let's go." I cheered grabbing Levy's arm and skipping out of the guild hall.

"You guys ready?" Rough asked as we exited the old guild hall.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I replied flashing a small smile.

"Delia, will you do the honor of opening the portal." Sting smiled walking hugging me from behind.

"If you let go." I laughed.

Lucy the Angel In Disguise ~ A stinglu fanficWhere stories live. Discover now