Back to the Dragon Realm

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<Levy pov>

Click click click went the living room clock.

I left the guild yesterday,and now realize how boring it gets without something to do. I was always at the guild so I never really had nothing to do.

It was like torture. Sitting in the living room watching the clock tick. Boring!

I need to think of things I can do with my life. Magic is my everything and I don't want that to stop anytime soon. Maybe I could join another guild with Del!

But I'm so weak right now, no guild would want a weakling like me. You know what, I'll train with Del, and then I'll join a guild. That sounds like a good idea, right?

I walked out of my room and into the kitchen to find Del eating MY CREAM CHEESE! Oh hell to the no!

"Drop the cream cheese!" I yell getting into a fighting stance.

"Don't worry I'll replace it when I'm done!" Del replied. My eyebrow twitched at the word done.

"I said, drop the cream cheese!" I said again, with more annoyance in my voice.

"Fine, fine, it's too early to fight anyway." She said as she put the cream cheese down in defeat. "Arc of time." She said as she slowly got up from her seat and headed to the living room.

When I looked back at the cream cheese it was filled to the brim. Way higher than when Del got it. She really is special.

"So Del." I said as I entered the living room cream cheese bagel in hand. "Can I train with you for a while?" I asked before taking a big bite out of my bagel.

"Are you sure you wanna do that." Del says as she slowly turns her head towards me. She had this smirk growing a centimeter a second it looked so creepy!

What's with that look. Did I just make a mistake? But, I really want to get stronger. And this might as well be the best way to do it.

"Yes." I said with a little less confidence.

"Great!" She beamed. What happened to that smile I saw a second ago. There were no traces of it. "What kind of magic do you want to learn?"

"Oh, I didn't really think about that part." I said with a puzzled look.

"How about all of them?" She asked with a serious face. Was she seriously serious when she said all?!

"Wouldn't that take a while?" I asked playing with my thumbs.

"Yes, but I can bring us to a dimension where time goes a lot slower." She said with the same face. She can seriously do that? This women is crazy!

"Well then, ummm." I didn't really know what to say. I always dreamed of learning new magic, but I never thought I would learn all magics!

"Yes!" I cheered. Then as quickly as it went away the same scary smirk came back. What did I just get myself into?

"Ok we leave later today, go pack!" She said as she headed towards her room. Tonight?! We leave tonight?! Can't we leave in the morning or something.

I rush to my room and pack my important things, there's not much I can do with a few hours.

After around a hour and a half I heard a knock on my door. I grab my suitcase and rush over to the door.

Lucy the Angel In Disguise ~ A stinglu fanficWhere stories live. Discover now