meet tsuki

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Momoko:Where's the RRBZ?

Me:They're watching Family Guy in the other room


Me:If you do the disclaimer in a characters voice you can join them

Kimiko:YAY! Okay lets see...AH! *in Herbert the Pervert voice* Kiki-chan does own the PPGZ or the sexy RRBZ she just owns the story and her character


Kimiko:Arigato K-Chan, now imma just go in the room full of boys and you girls just stay here *runs in the room and closes the door*

Girls: *laughs*

Momoko: Hahaha! Kimi-usa is a good actress haha!

Miyako:*giggles* Yeah! She really acted like she was going to do something

Me and Kaoru: (stops laughing) wait...what if she DOES do something to them?!


All:Nah! She's not THAT cra-


PPGZ:O_O! *rush to the room* OMG!

Me:Uhh...Happy Reading To the story! *runs to the room*

Momoko's POV

We all starting laughing REALLY loudly! We just sang the Campfire Song Song from Spongebob and we did random poses during our singing part! It was TOO funny I think I'm getting a cramp! Kaoru was on the floor, Kimiko's head was on Miya-chi's lap, and I'm on my back kicking my legs up in the air.

"Glad to see your having fun" I heard a familiar voice say. We stopped laughing and looked at the door to find the RRBZ smiling at us.

"Oi (Hey) Guys!" Kimiko said looking at the boys upside down from Miyako's lap.

"Where's Tsuki ,desu?" Miyako asked. It's cute how she adds 'desu' at the end of her sentences.

"She's talking to mom." Raiden answered.

Wow its like the universe is keeping us from seeing the girl! Kaoru said in my mind

I know right!? I responded back. Then as if the universe heard our conversation we heard a guard say "Hello Tsuki-sama (Miss Tsuki/Lord Tsuki {A/N: I like the sound of that...Tsuki-sama} ) The boys' face lit up. A girl with thigh-length black-purple hair and pretty gray eyes entered the room. She's wearing a gray dress shirt that goes mid-thigh, blue shorts underneath but only a few inches show, and dark gray flats. I had to admit she had nice curves and was very pretty. What really caught my eye, though, was her triple moonstone necklace. I felt a certain power radiating from it I wonder if the other girls felt it to.

She's pretty Miyako commented in my head.

Yea... I responded.

vampire madness!!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat