1st Celebration:Gothic Lolita!

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Me: ^^ hey guys !!

Boomer:In this chapter the girls meet other members of out vampire families

Miyako:I'm so nervous!

Kaoru:I'm not! :)

Boomer:Don't be nervous they'll like you

Butch:But Kaoru you should worry though

Kaoru:Fuck You -_-


Brick:Can we focus please?

Brady:I can't wait to see what chaos would happen this time ^_^!

PPGZ:What chaos!?

Me:Let's not give anything away I don't own them

Kimiko:Happy Reading!

Everyone:To the Story!

The royal vampire castle was busy as including guards,chefs,and the maid quartet were getting everything ready for the gathered everyone to announce this years and Aoki arrived early so they can get ready with their friends. The kids all sat on sofas,couches,and love seats paying attention to the king and queen.

"This years theme is...Gothic Lolita!" Fiona said excitedly and Richard grinned.

"YOSH!" the vampire teens responded with a fist pump.

"NANI?!" the mortal girls screamed in course the others wouldn't mind wearing it because they were vamps! Fiona nodded smiling while the girls started at her in disbelief.

"But Fiona-sama, Gothic clothes aren't really our style"Miyako said.

"I can't wear pink!"

"I don't want to wear a dress!"

"Too much black!"

Fiona's eyes got red and her fangs came out again.

"WEAR THE GOTHIC LOLITA!" she screamed making them cling on the boys in made said boys smirk.

"Besides you'll look cute in it" Fiona said suddenly back to 'normal', girls were shocked at the sudden mood shift and nodded.

"H-Hai!" the girls chorused. Fiona called the maid quartet and they appeared within seconds.

"Yes mistress?" they said in unison.

"Take the girls and get them suited in Gothic Lolita you girls can change after them" Fiona said clasping her hands.

"At once,mistress" the quartet said in unison.

"Tsuki and Hikari,you girls can change in Tsuki's room and boys Elise will get you-" Richard was cut off by the boys automatic response.

"NO!" they yelled in unison. Richard laughed at the boys shocked and scared faces.

"I'm joking..." he said which made the boys sigh in relief."Elise is going to dress you tomorrow" the boys sudden fear came back.

"Let's just focus on guests are coming in four hours,including the council" Fiona said looking at her husband.

"NANI?!" Richard and the vampire teens said along with their king.

"Shh!" Fiona hissed "We can't make a big deal out of it"

"Ka-san this is a HUGE deal!" Raiden said moving his hands in emphasis.

"I know but we can't let them know that! And Richard please try not to start chaos with Tanoshi"

"He starts it!" Richard said defending himself

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