A Night to Remember Part 1

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Kimiko:I'm so excited to be getting ready for the club I haven't danced since this morning!

Miyako:We are going to wear the cutest dresses!

Kaoru:Whoa!Whoa! What do you mean "we"? and "dresses"?

Momoko:Duh we can't go to the club in sweats Kaoru

Kaoru:Why Not!?

Butch: Because your going to wear heels and booty shorts =D

Kaoru:NO WAY,YAROU! (asshole)

Me:Ahem! Trying to introduce the chapter here!

Kaoru:Gomen, but Butch is an annoying perv

Butch:Yes but I'm your annoying perv


Kaoru:Urusai! *blushes*

Momoko:Everyone is ignoring the fact that Aoki is coming with us *pokes elbow at me*

Brick:Oh yeah excited Suki-san?

Me:Uh...I don't own them! Happy Reading! To the story!

Everyone:Hey wait a minute!

A certain amber-eyed boy was looking forward to the was mourning and everyone was staring to wake up and get ready for the day. They all slept late so they could have enough energy for the night.

"I'm going to Tsuki's house later, mom" he called.

"Oh yeah you and your friends are going to Nightmare,right?"


"Well be careful. That place can get wild."

"Sure thing mom"

"Oh and are you going to ask her out?" the woman said with a sly smile. Her amber-eyed son spit out his cereal in shock which caused his mother to giggle.

"Mom! We're just friends!" he protested.

"Relax I'm just teasing,dear" she said but deep down she knew it was going to happen and so did her husband and other daughter. She watched those two play together and witnessed their relationship grow over the years. Tsuki was definitely a special girl to him. 'When the day comes', she thought to herself with a smile, 'I'll approve her in a heartbeat'.

"I'm going o get ready!" her son called going upstairs snapping out of her thoughts.

"Alright Aoki" she replied smiling to herself.

In the Royal Vampire Castle...

Tsuki's P.O.V

Everyone was eating breakfast and talking about tonight.

"It's going to be fun" Takeshi-nii said to Kaoru-san.

"And I know this awesome dress that look would perfect on you!" Miyako chirped.

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