Chapter 21: Alive again

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Bad news...

2 chapters to go...




Lia's p.o.v

         Biting my lip, as I walked my way through my new university. Yes, I changed my university, why? Because my brothers wanted me to be close to them, in case Steve comes back from the death. *rolling my eyes*.

Me, being the girl that doesn't socialize with girls, I sat next to a guy.  Let me tell you, that guy was so familiar, and in an odd way; he reminded me of Jason.

I kept staring at him, checking if I can recognize his face.

"Umm... I mean... do I know you?" The guy furrowed his eyes in confusion.

"I don't think so.. no," I shook my head.

"Then why are you looking at me like that?" He asked.

"You remind me of someone, and I saw you somewhere but I don't know where," I bit my lip, trying to remember.

"Do we have mutual friends?"

"Do you know Jason?"

"This Jason?" He showed me a picture on his phone. 

My eyes started tearing up, as I placed my head in between my hands

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My eyes started tearing up, as I placed my head in between my hands.

"So, you meant this Jason, didn't you? It'd be embarrassing if-"

"I'm Lia," I cried.

"Oh, he told me about you," The guy gasped.

"I- I'm so sorry I put your friend through shit, I swear when I first met him I didn't have those problems in my life!"

"Hey, hey... it's okay! Everything happens for a reason, Lia. When Jason wakes up, I know that you guys are going to be together, because you were meant for each other."

"But I... I let him go for a stupid reason, but when he told me about his past, I remembered what happened to me in the past, because I got bullied a lot!" I sobbed into his arms.

"Everyone makes mistakes, Lia, so don't go blaming yourself for something you did before."


"How was your first day?" Owen asked, he placed the pasta in front of me.

"It was... fine," I looked down, and started shoving the pasta down my throat. (That sounds so weird, I'm sorry)

"Okay," he shrugged, but gave me the 'I don't really buy it, but okay' look.

"Whatever," I whispered underneath my breath.

"By the way, Jason's mom called, she said the doctor said that Jason might wake up soon," Owen took a bite of his food.

"What? Why didn't you tell me before?! God dammit!" I stood up, and ran towards the door.

"Eat first, then leave!"

"No, what if Jason wakes up?" I grabbed my phone, and ran to my car.

I drove to the hospital, and parked my car in the nearest door. As I locked the car, I ran inside, not caring who was in front of me.

"Lia?" A familiar voice laughed.

I looked up to see Jason's friend, who was in the same class as me.

"I still don't know your name," I raised a brow.

"Jeremy," he replied.

"Well, hello, Jeremy! I came to see Jason," I sighed.

"He woke up, the first thing he said, was your name. He wanted to know if you're here," Jeremy gave me apologetic smile.

"What? He woke up?" I gasped. Now I feel guilty.


"Jason?" I said, when I walked in the room.

"Lia?" He looked so broken and tired, and that made me hurt.

"Oh my god, Jase! I am so sorry! Owen didn't tell me that-"

Jason interrupted me, "hey.." he took a breath, "it's okay," he took another breath, "You... have a... life.. t-too."

"Everything I did was to distract myself, I..."

"I..." He turned his head to me. "I told you... it's... okay."

"It's my fault, Jase!! You're in this position because of me! I wish it was me!" I cried.

"No.." he inhaled, "its not your... fault, it's.. it's Steve's.. not you.. I.. I don't... don't want.. to.. to.. see you h-h-hurt."

"But I can't see you hurt because of me, Jase."

"Lia, I-I'd ra-rather feel the pain than to see you in pain," He winced.

"I love you so much, Jason.. I'm sorry I let you go!-"

"Shhhh, L-Lia! Pa-Please d-d-don't bl-ame yourself, blame your.. your past! It.. you... had the worst past, I-i .. I heard you, b-but umm y-you see.. you've ch-changed th-through the-the years, so.. I.. you.. umm.."

"Don't talk, please! You can't talk right now, I can see you're hurt," I held his hand.

"L-lia, did.. did you say 'I.. I love you' be-because you.. you feel bad for me?"

"No, I said it because I really mean it! All those years I've been thinking about you! And you know that those relationships were just some really ugly distractions."


Thank you for reading this chapter, don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter (I mean of course you like it, Jason woke up!)

Ok so, hopefully I'll update soon.

And yeah, I finally started University.

If you guys want to add me on Snapchat, well do it: Uniqueme99

Yeah buddy :)

I might do a face reveal there.. maybe nah jk jk


but seriously add me we'll be friends :)


I'll see you guys when I'll update!!


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