Chapter two

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Chapter 2

            School was a drag for the rest of the day. Hushed voices talked about Avery being a freak and Summer being a slut. Things turned ugly when Summer’s best friend, Jordan, tried to talk to Avery. Summer and Jordan had a huge girl fight in the hallway. Everyone surrounded to watch the girls pull each other’s hair and yell insults. Avery just walked away laughing. He seemed like an ass but I mean the girls deserved to be ignored. They were only trying to use him.  

            When I got home my mom was home but my dad was still at work.

            “Hey Mom.”

            “Hey honey. How was school?”

            “Ugh. A mess. We had a new boy and all the girls were all over him. Some girls even had a fight!”

            “This is a Christian town! Girls don’t do this.”

            “Yeah I know. Even Mandi thinks he is super cute. He completely rejected every girl though.”

            “Good for him. He is a good Christian boy. What do you think about him.”

            “Not interested. I don’t need drama with him.”

            “Good choice sweetie. Maybe you should give him a chance though.”

            “Yeah well Summer would probably attack me so I am good for now.”

            “Okay.” My mom replied turning back to making dinner. I walked up to my room. I logged onto my computer and went on Facebook. The drama was really bad on there too. Summer posted: Some sluts just can’t keep to themselves.

Jordan posted: He obviously turned you down so chill Hun.

Mandi posted: Girls need to relax…

I posted: Drama…drama...drama.

            It got worse when Avery friended people. Everyone was trying to friend him but I guess he wasn’t accepting them. He did accept me though….weird. I chatted Mandi.

Me: Hey guess what

Mandi: What??

Me: He friended me…

Mandi: He did!?

Me: Yea but it’s weird cuz he wasn’t accepting everyone else. And I looked and I am his only friend…

Mandi: Totally weird! He is so weird but so cute and mysterious. I’m in love. Although he obviously loves you (;

Me: He does not. He just likes me because I am not all over him!

Mandi: Whatever you say.

 I sighed, signed off and wrote my one-page essay I had to write about my summer. I just wrote about how I had gone on vacation to the Bahamas, how I played volleyball, and how I pretty much just chilled out with my friends. Pretty boring but I had to do it. I finished the essay and went back on Facebook.

Summer Posted: WHY HER?!

She was obviously talking about me.

Mandi commented: Obviously because she isn’t all over him.

Summer commented back: She probably has already hooked up with him.

Mandi and Summer went back in forth arguing about me. Obviously I had done nothing with the guy. Summer was just jealous. Just then I got a chat message from Avery.

Avery: Hi

Me: Uh…Hey

Avery: What’s wrong?

Me: Everyone is flipping out that I am your only friend on here…

Avery: Yeah...Sorry ‘bout that. Just you are the only girl who hasn’t been all over me. I hate when people act like that. Like I would be ‘Lucky’ to date someone like them… I figured I would try and chat you. Maybe learn some stuff about you.

Me: Yeah well I would talk to you but I have had enough drama. Maybe we can talk on here but it’s best to just leave me alone…

Avery: I am sorry to be a bother.

Avery has signed off

            Who would have thought I seemed mysterious to him? I instantly chatted Mandi and told her what had happened. She was stunned. She seemed happy for me though. I could tell she had a plan for Avery and me but I was not ready to learn about it. By the time I signed off it was already ten at night. I decided to go to bed so I could get up early tomorrow and do my hair and stuff.

            The morning came quickly and I was tired. It took me a while to get out of bed. I checked my phone. I didn’t have any messages. I texted mandi the daily “Good morning” text I normally sent. I grabbed my clothes and went into my bathroom. I was happy I didn’t have any brothers or sisters. Sharing a bathroom and a room would probably be the death of me.

            I curled my hair and wore a super cute new button down light pink shirt that I work with my pencil skirt. I liked dressing up for school. I wore cute black flats with flowers on them and applied some mascara and some black eyeliner to bring out my blue eyes. I grabbed my backpack and walked downstairs. This time my dad was home, not my mom. He was sitting at the kitchen table, eating an English muffin with his coffee. He was reading the sport section of the newspaper. He had been the coach of the Tennessee Valley Tigers for about four years. Despite the name, they were in Alabama, not Tennessee.

            “Good morning Dad.” I greeted him.

            “Morning sweetie. How was school yesterday?” He responded. Although my dad worked a lot and was strict, he was still sure to remember big things that happened and to care about me.

            “Drama filled already haha. Can’t wait for it to be over.”

            “Sorry sweetie.” He said sipping his coffee.

            “It’s okay. I got to go though.” I said snatching away his other piece of English muffin. “Thanks dad!” I yelled running out. I heard him chuckle at me. I walked to the bus stop and got on the bus. Today though, Mandi was sitting with Avery.

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