Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7

            I have never had anyone tell me they love me other than Mandi and my parents. Other than that, I have only dealt with people who have told me they hated me. When Avery told me I decided to run. I ran and ran as far as possible. He yelled my name a few times but he was ignored. I ran to fast for him to catch up so he ended up just letting me run. I was scared. I didn’t want to hurt him but I also just wanted to learn more about him and I was not used to people liking me or people admitting they loved me. I was scared it was a trick. Maybe He really did text Summer and he lied about what he told me. He never gave me a reason to believe he lied though.

            I ran until I got to Mandi’s house. I walked right in since I was practically family and said my hello’s to everybody. I found Mandi upstairs in her room on her computer.

                        “Hey.” I said pretty dull.

                        “Okay, just say it, what’s wrong?” She always knew when something was wrong. I was also pretty bad at hiding my emotions so that helped her a bit.

                        “Avery came over to my house…”

                        “He what?!”

                        “He came over while I was brushing out Speck.”

                        “Oh God. What did he want? What did he say?” Mandi was about to explode in curiosity. I finally decided to tell her it all. She had her mouth on the floor after I told her he loved me. I finished telling her and as she picked up her jaw, she told me to forgive him since he did nothing, to kill Summer, and to talk to Avery. Of course, I refused.

                        “Fine. Don’t forgive him, but you must talk to Parker!” Mandi told me.

                        “Nope. He is totally yours. I bet if you guys went on a few dates, he would ask you to be his girlfriend!” I sang happily to her.

                        “That is a lie. He likes you way more. He looks at you like you would at the most gorgeous sunset on the horizon of an open field.”

                        “Wow, getting sappy aren’t we? He may like me more, but you should have him. He will like you more after he knows you. Besides you’re prettier.”

                        “No I am not. We are equal. He likes you more. End of discussion. Talk to Parker if you won’t talk to Avery. You deserve it Boo.” I agreed with her reluctantly. Now I have to talk to Parker. I have to see if he really likes me. I got his number from Mandi, who had asked for his number at lunch. I ran home, and started my homework. As I got out my math book, I texted Parker.

“Hey Parker. It’s Charlotte. Can we talk?” It would probably make him nervous, so I added a smiley face at the end in case. I hit the send button and started to review section one in my text book. I read some algebra stuff and after a few sentences Parker had already replied.

“Yeah sure. What’s up?” He replied. I responded with, “What happened between you and Avery?” I studied some more and he took a while to respond this time. I was finished my math homework and was starting History when he finally replied.

“We had some issues before. Nothing big. He gets worked up about things.” Pretty vague answer. I didn’t reply. I finished my homework and went downstairs. My parents left a fifty on the counter for me to go out and buy groceries. I didn’t want to go so I left the fifty there and went for a walk.

            I walked for miles. I walked by houses, parks, schools, and more houses. Something seemed off with Avery and Parker. Parker and Avery must have had some huge fight or something. How did they both move from one place to another and “coincidentally” come to a super small town in Alabama. And they were both really cute. They might even be able to pass as brothers. They both have the same facial features, and they both had dark hair, tan skin, muscular bodies. Only thing difference is Parker had an English accent. Avery didn’t have that but Parker came from England and Avery didn’t. The stories didn’t add up.

            I finally walked home and when I got home I passed out. I fell asleep watching TV in my room. In the morning I woke up. I decided to talk to Parker today. When I got dressed and did my hair, I left to school. I got on the bus. Mandi and I sat together and I scanned the bus.

Weird Avery isn’t here…

                        “Mandi, he isn’t here.” I whispered. She looked around, realizing it too.


                        “I know right!”

            The rest of the ride was awkward. We just got off the bus and walked to our lockers. Avery wasn’t there either. I walked to class and Avery and Parker were both absent. They were both acting so weird. Something big must have been happening.


Just a filler chapter. Sorry its short. Next chapter should be longer but im busy today and I have a really bad headache but thanks so much for reading! Comment, vote, fan me! 


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