Chapter five

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  • Dedicated to Danielle Fares

Dedicated to my aunt because I lvoe her and she got me some mroe reads on this story by posting it on faceook. Tbanks Auntie Danielle(:

Chapter 5

            After lunch, which was boring and awkward since I barely talked, I went to my classes. Summer laughed at me when she saw I was still angry and she whispered to her friends about me. Why were popular girls so mean? Just because my parents were strict and super catholic, didn’t make me a loser. I just had to dress more appropriate than them and be less slutty, not really a bad thing. I have been judged, pushed, made fun of, and plain humiliated since first grade. The only person who liked me and who was nice to me was Mandi, and that was only because she knew me, and how I really was. She knew I didn’t like fitting in, although I hated drama.

            Nothing really changed for the next few weeks. Avery kept hitting on me, although I knew his secret, and classes were boring as usual. Mandi kept trying to convince me to just give Avery a chance. I still hadn’t told her about his lies. Today was Wednesday and I was walking into my first class of the day, science. It was boring, like normal, except today, another new boy was in class. He was just looking around the school, seeing how the classes were, and meeting new people. He wasn’t officially enrolled yet. He came into our class and our teacher made him do an introduction speech.

                        “Um, hey guys. I’m Parker. I just moved from England, wanted a small town I guess. I am probably enrolling here soon.” He said. The entire time, his dark green eyes were focused on me. When he finished I could tell summer was ready to pounce on him. His muscular body, hair that was so black it was almost blue, English accent, and perfect tan made all the girls drool over him like they did with Avery. I looked over at Avery. He looked mad. He was glaring at Parker. Of course he was jealous. Now he probably wouldn’t get any attention. He probably hoped that Parker didn’t come to our school. I get why he was jealous but the look on his face didn’t show jealousy, just rage and anger.

            Parker was told to sit in the empty chair next to me. Summer shot me the look to shut up and leave him alone, which I planned to do, except when I look at him, he looked at me, smiled, and started talking to me.

                        “Hey. What’s your name?”

                        “I’m Charlotte, but if I talk to you, That girl over there, her name is Summer,” I pointed to summer,” and she will probably stab me, so I recommend talking to her, not me.”

                        “Let me guess, she is the popular girl and you’re the girl she uses and is a bully to?”                   

                        “You guessed it. Just like in the movies.” I said sarcastically.

                        “Yeah well if she is mean to you, screw her, your better than her.”

                        “How can you tell? You barely know me. For all you know I could be some crazy bitch…” I whispered since our teacher started blabbing again.

                        “I just know…Besides you made me laugh.” Parker said, looking over at Avery.

                        “Do you know Avery?” I asked

                        “We have….met.” You said mysteriously.

                        “Oh well, maybe you could tell him to lay off me.”


                        “He just gets on my nerves, always trying to get me to go out with him, but he knows Summer would kill me if I did.”

                        “Summer really controls your life huh?”

                        “At times she does I guess. I just hate drama. She causes drama. So I try not to piss her off.”

                        “Yes, well I think you should date whoever you would like.”

                        “Yeah well I am good with Avery. Summer showed me texts from him saying how he just was testing me, seeing how long it took me to break and go on a date with him. He said some pretty mean stuff.”

                        “Oh? He didn’t—I mean he doesn’t seem like the type.” That was weird. He was about to talk about Avery like he knew him well…

                        “Yeah well—“ I was cut off by my teacher yelling at us to shut up and be quiet. That was exactly what I did. I liked Parker, although he seemed like he had some secrets with Avery.

            The bell rang, and I went to gym. I didn’t see Parker until lunch. He came over and sat next to me. Summer gave me a pretty sinister look, except I decided to follow what Parker said and ignore her. She shouldn’t rule my life as much as she does. I moved closer to Parker. Avery and Mandi came into the Cafeteria afterwards.

                        “Uh, hey. I’m Mandi. Who are you?” She asked Parker. She was confused why I was so close to a guy.

                        “Hi. I am Parker. I’m new. Today is like my introduction day. I don’t start until Monday.” Parker replied.

                        “Hey Parker.” Avery grumbled.

                        “Hey. You remember huh?”

                        “How could I forget?” He asked sarcastically. He was angry and you could tell.

                        “You guys know each other?” Mandi asked confused.

                        “Yeah. We haven’t talked in years though.” Parker said.

                        “Oh cool!” Mandi kept the conversation going by talking about England with Parker. She loved guys with English accents like Parker had. I could tell she liked Parker. She liked guys that were so sure of herself. I decided to let Mandi have a go at him. She deserved him. Every guy she liked, just happened to like me it seemed. I hoped Parker liked Mandi.

            After lunch, Parker left the school. Mandi and I gushed over his cuteness and his accent.

                        “This is the second hot boy who would rather talk to us than talk to Summer. They knew each other too! It’s totally weird.” Mandi said.

                        “Yeah. I feel like Parker and Avery have some unspoken business…” I trailed off.

                        “What do you mean?”

                        “Did you see how angry Avery was when he saw him?”

                        “Yeah but wasn’t he just jealous that he wasn’t going to get as much attention now?”

                        “Maybe, although it didn’t seem like that, Besides, Avery hates attention.”

                        “You’re right…I don’t know. I am sure we will find out sometime.”

            School ended quickly, and Mandi and I walked home again, enjoying the last bits of summer we could. We talked more about Parker and Avery, although nothing special .We compared the two boys and decided that Parker was nicer, but Avery seemed smarter. I got home and then checked my Facebook, Summer went all out this time.

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