Chapter six

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Dedicated to my brother "lukafares" Because he told me "Your story is realy good for a girl story" Lol thanks Luka!

Chapter 6

            I called Mandi and I was surprisingly calm. Summer decided to post how much of a “Boy stealer” I was and how I was a horrible person. She called me a bitch, whore, skank, and every possible name. I read everything, and deleted it all since it was on my page. I was really calm and practically unaffected by this. Maybe I finally decided to ignore Summer and stop having her rule my life. I decided to post to her page.

“Thanks for your thoughts. None are true though because I did nothing to make Avery or Parker talk to me. Sorry they don’t like bitchy jealous girls like you.”

She didn’t respond, but she didn’t delete. About thirty people liked it. Maybe people liked seeing someone finally stand up to her. I was really happy with myself. Parker commented on the post: Good job Charlotte(:

            After that around twenty other people commented things like, “Finally someone stands up to her.” And, “She deserves it.”

            Summer was angry and you could tell. She finally commented that she didn’t care what we thought of her and that we should get a life. I responded by saying that she was funny because she told us her thoughts on us all the time and maybe she should get a life. I felt in charge and I could tell that everyone else in school was excited for tomorrow since Summer wouldn’t be the leader of the school. She wasn’t popular anymore. No one would let her be Mrs. Popular.

            Mandi was so happy she practically called everyone she knew telling them the news. Parker and Avery both chatted me saying how they were proud of me for sticking up to her. I only responded to Parker though. I told him thanks but our conversation didn’t go much farther. I got offline and realized that I haven’t taken care of our farm animals in a while. I knew my dad had fed them though because I saw him out there a few times but I had to brush the horses, change the food, change the water, ect. It was a long list of things and now I had a lot more to do since it had been a few days since I last did it.

            I walked out to the horses. I started with Marge, our golden horse with black spots on her. I brushed her and changed the Hay in her stall. I gave her some sugar cubes and gave her fresh water. I did the same to our other two black and white horses named Ashton and Speck. As I was finishing with Speck I heard someone else enter the barn.

                        “Hello?” I yelled.

                        “Hey.” Replied Avery. I breathed a sigh of relief thanking God that it wasn’t a murderer or something.

                        “How did you know I lived here and what do you want? Can’t you just leave me alone?” I asked with as much attitude as I could pack into one sentence.

                        “I need to talk to you. Mandi told me your address. You won’t talk to me and I want to know why.”

                        “I think you know.”

                        “Actually I have no clue.” Avery’s eyes look completely genuine.

                        “I know you are just using me. You are testing me. Summer showed me the texts.”

                        “I have no clue what you’re talking about? I don’t text Summer. I don’t even have her number!” He exclaimed.     

                        “Yeah right. I saw her phone and it had your name as the contact.”

                        “First, I don’t have a phone. Second, I HATE Summer, and Third, you can have a different name in the phone as a contact than who it really is. Maybe she was texting her friend but changed the name to mine.”

                        “You don’t have a phone?”

                        “Nope. I hate them. Too much work and too much energy put into one item just to talk to your friends. I have the internet and my mouth to do that.”

                        “Oh well. I am sorry for accusing you.”

                        “Yeah. It’s okay.”

                        “I feel bad.”

                        “Don’t. But can you answer a question for me?”

                        “Sure” I replied hesitantly.

                        “Why do you hate me?”

                        “You caused me a lot of drama. So has Parker and he has only been here for a day. I can’t catch a break. At least Parker wasn’t mean to me.”

                        “When was I mean to you?” Avery asked. I didn’t really have a response. I mean he wasn’t ever really mean. He just was so stand-offish and I didn’t react well I guess. Parker just seemed a lot nicer to me and to other people.

                        “Not to me but to other people. You ignore them like they don’t exist. You act like you are better than other people. You make people feel dumb. Parker is nice. He doesn’t ignore people, he is nice, and he is so down to earth.” I replied.

                        “Yeah maybe I do do those things but I don’t mean to. I just am not as social as Parker. I do know one thing though.”

                        “And what Is that?” I asked.

                        “Parker doesn’t love you like I do.”

                        “You, you love me?” I asked. I was completely stunned. He couldn’t love me. He doesn’t know me! He has barely talked to me. I didn’t love him I knew that for sure. Just because he loved me did not mean I felt the same way.

                        “Of course.” Was his simple reply.


Thanks for reading everyone! Feedback is awesome and thanks to all my readers! Love you all!(:

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