Chapter eight

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Chapter 8

            The day past slowly and once the day was over I texted Parker.

                        “Where are you??” I asked him.

                        “Go to 17 Franklins St. and go behind the bushes in the back. There is a path. Follow it” He replied. Why would he want me to go behind someone else’s property? I decided to go because the curiosity was killing me. I looked on my phone and found out it was a five minute walk away. I didn’t text Parker back because I knew he would only reply with another vague answer.

            During the short walk over to the house, my head was practically spinning with thoughts. Was something wrong? Was Avery hurt? Was Parker hurt? Why do they need me? I walked and although it was only half a mile away, it felt like years. I ended up running to the house. When I reached the house it was a weird house that didn’t fit in with the rest, just like Parker and Avery. Dark and pretty, also like Aver and Parker. It was like the house and Parker and Avery were the same.

            I walked up to the red door in the front and rang the doorbell. As soon as I pressed the doorbell, Aver opened the door. I gasped at the sight of him. He was bleeding from his ear, had a huge gash in his calf, scratches on his face, and he was bleeding from his side.

                        “We need to talk…” He told me with a worried look.

                        “Obviously.” I whispered. I was scared to know was happened, but again, the curiosity killed me. Avery took me to the living room. Looking around, I could tell this was Avery’s house. He had pictures of himself when he was a kid, his clothes were draped over his couch and he had his school supplies everywhere. Did he live alone? Probably.

                        “Listen. I have a lot to tell you. For one, Parker is gone.” He told me.

                        “Gone as in…?”                                              

                        “Not dead, he just left. He ran away after our fight. Well actually he flew.”          


                        “He, uhm, well, I have no idea how to say this…”     

                        “Well you better say it fast. I need the whole story.”

                        “Okay well I should start from when he came over here today.” He took a deep breath in,” This morning he came over. I have no idea how he knew this was my house, but he knew. He came in without knocking, and he looked completely crazed. He didn’t talk, he just attacked me. It’s normal for people like him to be like this though.”

                        “People like him?”

                        “Well, he is sort of a…Dark angel.” At this, I busted out laughing. No way were angels real, they were obviously fake. Maybe he was the crazy one.

                        “Yeah, Okay Avery, stop with the bull.”

                        “I am dead serious. You know I barely make jokes. He really is. Anyway, he came over, completely crazed, making no sense, although he muttered your name a few times. He came over to me and made these scratches and gashes you see here,” He said gesturing towards his body. What did I have to do with this? Why did I have to be in the middle of this!? I took a deep breath in. Avery waited for my reply, but when I was silent, he continued, “You don’t have to believe me.”

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