Chapter nine

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Hey guys! Sorry this chapter took so long for me to update. It dook me sooo long to write. Every day I could only write like a aparagraph but it's finally here! Its sorta short but it's finally done<3 Thanks for reading and make sure you comment and vote and fan mee! I fan back if you leave me a message!(: I think the next chapter will be the date, should I write both POVS? Comment! Kay here is the chapterrrr


Chapter 9

            He had wings! Was I dreaming? Am I dying and hallucinating. I feel crazy.  After getting up from the ground, I just looked at Avery. He was still smirking.

                        “Why are you still smirking, huh?”

                        “You’re cute when you’re surprised.” He blushed.

                        “Oh…” I replied, stunned. He walked over to me. Our faces came closer and closer. And finally, we closed the distance with a kiss. After a little while, we were interrupted by Mandi clearing her throat.

                        “Love bugs, we got an issue.” She said urgently.

                        “What’s wrong?” I asked nervously.

                        “It’s your mom…” She trailed off.

                        “What happened,” Avery asked before I could talk.

                        “She is in the hospital, come on” We followed her to her car. I couldn’t really talk. What happened to my mom? Was she okay? Was she dead? We got to the hospital finally and I ran in. The receptionist let me see her. Thank god, that meant she wasn’t dead.

            I walked into her hospital room and she looked horrible. I gasped and so did Mandi and Avery. She had bruises all over her face and her arms. Her cheek had a gash in it, and she broke her leg.

                        “Oh god! What happened mom?” I was practically hyperventilating.

                        “She is on pain medicine so she might not be making much sense. She keeps saying a guy with black wings attacked her. I will leave you guys alone with her.” As she left the room I gave Avery a worried look. He looked away, anger in her eyes.

                        “Honey, come here.” My mom said hoarsely.

                        “Yeah mum?” I asked her sadly.

                        “I swear on my life, I am not crazy. His wings were huge, and black, and beautiful, but he hurt me honey…” She started to fall asleep.

                        “I believe you mom, don’t worry.” I whispered as she fell asleep.

We left shortly afterwards because the doctor had to run some more tests. I can’t believe Parker would hurt my mom! What did I do to him!? I didn’t talk much. I was just sitting, silently crying. Mandi and Avery talked. Mandi was obviously confused about the situation so she was trying to pull it out of Avery. Finally he admitted to her that he was an angel. She was confused and laughed at him. He showed her his wings in my backyard while I sat in my kitchen. She was completely surprised. He showed her the binder full of pictures and she even cried. She realized that Parker was a dark angel she was scared because if he had hurt my mom, who else would he hurt?

            Avery seemed really on edge for the rest of the day. When Mandi went home, he insisted that he stayed with me for the night to ensure my safety. He wanted Mandi to stay but she said she wanted to go home. She seemed really shaky too. I was still pretty quiet to Avery came over to me. He sat close to me and wrapped his arms around me.

                        “She will be okay.” He whispered.

                        “I hope so. But what about the rest of us?”

                        “I will protect you don’t worry.”

                        “Why have you been so nervous?”

                        “Honestly, this could mean another war breaking out…”

                        “Oh…” I was completely scared now. I cuddled closer to him. I looked up at his perfect, ageless, face, and as his eyes connected with mine, he kissed me. I felt tingles up and down my spine. When we stopped kissing, I cuddled back down into him and slowly drifted to sleep. I woke up in my bed, alone. Disappointed, I walked downstairs. I found Avery sleeping on the couch. I was happy it was Saturday though so I didn’t have to go to school. I grabbed a waffle from the freezer and put it into the toaster. When is popped up, it made a dinging sound which happened to wake up Avery.

                        “Morning sleepy head” I said smiling. I found a note on my kitchen table from my dad. It said,” Hey honey. I went to see your mom. I will be home at three. Try and get that boy off our couch please. Love you.” Oh god. He saw Avery. He didn’t seem mad though. I think he was too worried about mom. So was I. I texted my dad asking if he needed me to go check on my mom. He replied saying no that they needed to talk without me. He probably thought she was going crazy. I knew she was fine and she was telling the truth. Avery grunted as he got up and he came over and kissed my cheek. He got a few waffles from the freezer and we ate together. He turned to me with a determined look in his eyes.

            “So, I am pretty sure now that there is some rule that says you have to go on a date with me now.” He said.

                        “I suppose there is a rule. If I didn’t it would be rude…” I said smirking.

                        “Okay, Char, would you like to go with me to dinner tonight?”

                        “Nah, I’m good.” I said with a straight face.


                        “I’m kidding. Of course I will go on a date with you.” I said smiling. He laughed and then we were laughing together. I felt a lot better than I did yesterday, especially since he was with me.

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