Chapter Four

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Thanks to everyone for the reads and feedback! Means a lot! This chapter is dedicated to Cookiedough09 again because she makes me want to be a better writer...and she made me post today! :D

Heres the chapter!


 Chapter 4

                        “He did!” Mandi yelled. I was confused if she was happy for me or mad because she liked him.

                        “Yes. We were walking back from lunch to our lockers and he kissed me. I yelled at him for it and I didn’t want him to kiss me because I know you like him but I don’t like him like that or I don’t think I like him because the kiss was amazing but I mean you like—“ My rambling was cut short.

                        “You liked it?”

                        “Yea but who wouldn’t and I am really sorry and I promise not to date him because you like and I know you want me and him together but I also know you—“

                        “Stop rambling girl, I do think he is cute, but I don’t like him. Who wouldn’t think he is cute? And besides you guys would be so cute. He is quiet and anti-drama like you. But I know you don’t like him. I think you guys should go out and be a super cute couple but it isn’t my decision. Don’t think I am going to drop this though. I will keep dropping hints and be the obnoxious best friend but I can’t help that because I love you guys! By the way, he only kissed you because he wanted to know if you liked it. When you talk to him, he seems a lot different than what you would think.”

                        “Yeah well I am not forgiving him. Let alone talking to him. I’ve only known him a couple days and look at all the drama he caused and made me go through!”

                        “I get you have a drama issue but everyone goes through it at some point.”

                        “Haven’t I gone through my share of it?”

                        “I would hope so but obviously not. Maybe this is meant for a reason babe…”

                        “Ugh I am ready to explode.”

                        “Yeah well we’re at your house so go explode in there.”

                        “Haha okay byeeee!”


            I walked into my house alone. Both my parents were at work, my mom at the police station, since she was a cop, and my dad was coaching. I grabbed a sandwich from the fridge. My mom made it before she left. She made my favorite too, a spicy turkey sandwich with lettuce tomato and cheese. I ate it with some iced tea and went up to my room. I had a lot of thinking to do. I took my notepad, and wrote down what I could do.

Option 1: Forgive him. Not one I was really willing to do but it seemed to make everyone happy.

Option 2: Date him or give him a chance at friendship. DID NOT WANT TO DO!

Option 3: Ignore him some more. Maybe the drama will stop and he will leave me alone.

            Yeah I went with option three obviously. A no drama, stress free one. At least I had hoped. I read some of the book I needed to read for school, and took notes. I wrote down answers to some questions in my social studies book and studied a little. Although it was only the second day of school, homework, quizzes, and tests were already lined up. I was naturally smart so school was never an issue. I studied for some things but not much.

            I read some of my free reading book and blasted some music. My parents usually didn’t come home until late so I fell asleep reading my book. It was a really good book but I guess I was just exhausted from stress. I dreamt that Avery and I were together. We were happy and he was the perfect boyfriend. Summer was my friend and she was happy for Avery and I. Avery and I were even getting married. Was my mind trying to tell me something?

When I woke up I was completely confused about my dream. It was like Avery was telling me what to do. It seemed as if he controlled the dream. I got out of bed and brushed my hair. I checked my phone, happy to see no messages. The less people talking to me the better. I put my hair into a side fishtail braid, applied a brown smoky eye, a lot of eyeliner, and some mascara. I put on some lipstick and grabbed my homework. I stuffed it into my bag and got dressed. I wore a pink polka-dotted shirt with black jeans and black high heels.

I walked downstairs and grabbed a piece of toast. My mom was in the kitchen making her lunch for work. She didn’t really acknowledge me much so I just said a quick goodbye and left. I made my way to the bus stop and got on the bus. I sat with Mandi like any other day except today we didn’t really talk much. She seemed angry.

            “You okay?”

            “Eh… My parents are fighting again.”

            “Awe, Sorry boo. I hope they stop. I am sure they will.”

            “You say that everytime.”

            “They stop every time at some point” I said shrugging.

She laughed. We started talking about math and some of our classes. Nothing big. She knew that talking about Avery would make me a mess. We finished chatting when the bus stopped. Today I was hoping nothing big would happen. I mean, I stopped talking to Avery, although summer didn’t know that.

I went through my boring classes pretty easily although I kept catching Summer texting on her phone. Couldn’t she ever get off that thing? She was also glancing at Margaret, one of her minions who followed her around. She was probably texting Margaret but I couldn’t see Margaret’s lap so I didn’t know. As I got up to leave the class for lunch, I was confronted by Summer.

            “Hey can we talk?” She asked, pulling me aside.

            “What do you want Summer?” I asked annoyed.

            “Just come here.” She lead me into the gym locker.

            “Yes?” I asked.

            “Just want to let you know, I was talking to Avery.” She told me and I nodded.

            “He told me some stuff. Like how he didn’t really want you. He just wants to see if you will fall for him. You don’t have to believe me but here, look at my phone.” She took out her phone and showed me her texts between her and Avery. She was right. She wasn’t lying. It said there, in plain English, how he thought I was ugly and annoying and he was just testing me. I couldn’t believe it. I was so mad. I just looked at Summer and nodded my head as I turned around and walked out.

I walked out, and went to the lunch room. Of course Mandi was sitting with Avery looking for me. Avery seemed to be looking. He was a jerk and a liar. Why would he even do this to me? He knew I didn’t need it. I was mad and practically exploding inside with anger. I could tell Summer got a lot of satisfaction from my response. Her and her friends were probably laughing and making fun of me already. I walked to the lunch table. Mandi’s face lit up when she saw me.

            “Hey! There you are!” She exclaimed.

            “Yeah, here I am.”

            “Where were you?”

“Just learning some things about some people…” I trailed off. 

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