Chapter fourteen

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Chapter 14

                        “Avery! She moved!” I yelled with excitement.

                        “So soon?” He replied shocked.

                        “Yeah! Her eye twitched.” I was shaking with anticipation.

                        “Well that means she should be back here in a few minutes. They didn’t kill her and she is coming back. She is really lucky. Let’s just hope she is a light angel.” He still seemed nervous but at least he was talking. My dad just sat there, pale as a ghost, and silent. He was biting his nails, which he rarely did.  I stood up, and solemnly walked over to the kitchen. I grabbed a few mugs, and boiled the water for some hot chocolate. None of us ever really liked coffee, so hot chocolate was sort of our “coffee” I guess.

I walked into the living room a few minutes later, steaming hot chocolate in my hands. My mom was sweating pretty badly. She was growing paler and he veins were practically bulging. I knew something was up, but I was scared to ask. I passed the red mugs of hot chocolate to my father and Avery and took a seat next to my mom. Avery slowly got up, I barely even noticed him leaving the room. I moved closer to my mom. Her eyes kept fluttering. Was she coming back or was she dying. My thoughts were racing. I was getting more and more nervous. What if they wanted her to become a dark angel? What if she could become light but had to stay with the Angel Mistresses? I just wanted her back. She was the perfect mom, always cared, was always there for me, and she was a good Christian too. She took her part in church, helping others, serving God. She had to be okay.

Avery came into the room moving gracefully and quickly. He had a bucket of supplies. When I saw him I realized I had been silently crying. Avery noticed to. He came over to me after setting down the bucket.

            “Calm down baby, she will be fine,” As he said this I could see the worry in his eyes. Was he worrying about me or my mother? My guess was that it was both. He reached into the bucket and took out a cold, damp cloth. He applied it to my mother’s forehead. He took out a bag of ice and placed it on her stomach. He took her temperature, looked at it, frowned, and applied ice to other parts of her body. When her body was surrounded with ice, he took her temperature again.

            “It’s gone down. It’s only one hundred and one degrees now. She should be fine soon.” He said, his voice still trembling. Why was he so nervous? Avery reached into the bucket and took out a timer. He set it for ten minutes.

            “Why ten minutes?” I asked him.

            “Because, after ten minutes, she will be dead.” He said as calmly as possible. I let out a sob that came out a little too loud. I looked over at my dad. His state had not changed. Why was he so scared? I was scared too but he looked like he could die with her! His face was even paler than my mom’s. He stared at the timer, almost burning a hole through it. It was scary to see him so broken with worry and my mom so much in pain. Avery kept checking her temperature. It was going down which was a good sign.

After nine minutes of waiting, my mom’s eyes opened. She sat up quickly and then fell back over with dizziness.

“MOM! Are you okay?!” I yelled.

“Honey! Are you okay?” My dad yelled at the same time. He had finally talked.

“Yes, yes, I’m fine. They told me that I could be a light angel!”

“Ohmigoshthat’samazing!” I said, it happened to just all come out into one word. My dad’s face looked relieved, same with Avery’s. We were all happy and together. My mom would be okay! I was nervous still about my dad, he was taking in a lot at once but he seemed to understand. I nodded at Avery, giving him the sign to take my dad and show him his wings. Hopefully my dad would understand and be okay with it. I don’t think he would be mad.

“Why is there so much ice on me?” My mom asked, interrupting the silence Avery and my father left behind.

“Oh whoops, sorry.” I helped her out of the ice. When she stood up, you could see on her sides where her wings were hidden. All of a sudden, her wings expanded from her sides, protruding out and knocking over some lamps and tables.

“Oh shit!” My mom yelled. That was the first time I had ever heard my mom swear. I was startled.

“Jeez mom, watch the language. Try and close them.” It took her a minute but she was able to. She learned that all she had to do was think about opening or closing them, and it would happen. She was so excited that I had her go into the backyard so she could try and practice more and more on opening up and closing her wings. I was left alone in the house, cleaning up after my mom and thinking about how messed up life was. As happy as I was, I could tell the fight was not even close to being over with. Parker would return, and I could tell it was going to be soon.         


hey guys! sorry i havent been on in forever! i probably lost a ton of readers but if your still here, awesome! comment and maybe ill dedicate a chapter to you? I am sooo sorry for not writing, had major writers block and a ton of family issues. I am still super busy so whenever i can I will write but don't expect much soon. Thanks for reading, feedback below would mean the world and everyone should fave this and all that jazz. Kay love ya allll<3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2012 ⏰

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