Chapter ten

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Chapter 10


            Tonight was going to be a big night for me. The girl who I was destined to be with has finally told me she wanted to go on a date with me. I have fallen in love with her many times in her other lives. When we were in France, we even had a kid. Charlotte knew my secret and treated me perfectly. When she was a rich princess, we fell in love, although I was the poor homeless boy on the street. Finally, when we were in the North Pole, we huddled together, and died together since we were both abandoned and lost in the cold. Every time she died, I would wait for her to come back, and then I would find her, and we would fall in love. I was scared to tell her about her past, no matter how many times I had done it in the past.

            I picked up Char at her house and she looked gorgeous. She was wearing a flowy purple top with white shorts. Her hair was curled and she wore neat makeup. She barely needed makeup. She could be wearing rags and I would still think she was gorgeous. We walked to my car and I opened her door for her.

                        “How is your mom?” I asked her as I started to drive.

                        “She is doing a lot better. Everyone thinks she is going crazy though.” She replied.

                        “Yeah well they will probably mark it as a head trauma. Tell her to stop talking about it though; we don’t need any more issues.” She nodded her head in agreement. I decided to change the topic since I could tell she was still upset about her mom.

                        “So are you excited?” I asked. She thought we were just going to dinner but I had another trick up my sleeve.

                        “Yea. Thanks, really, you didn’t have to.”

                        “But I wanted to because I love you. I am really happy you agreed.” I grabbed her hand and she was stunned at first but soon after her hand relaxed and she was happier.

                        “So where are we going?” She asked curiosity in her voice.

                        “You will see, don’t worry.” I knew Charlotte was athletic so I decided we could go on a hike and have a picnic at the top of the mountain. I knew it was late but I had flashlights and we would be under the stars. She loved this date last time she was alive.

                        “Ugh I hate surprises!” I knew she did but secretly she loved them.

                        “Well sucks for you then!” I yelled laughing as I blasted some music on the radio. We danced and sang loudly and I thought it was cute. After about fifteen minutes of driving, we were out of the small town and about ten minutes from where we had to be. We drove and it was fun but when we finally arrived, she gasped.

                        “I thought we were just going to dinner!?” She asked me confused.

                        “We have to walk to our dinner area.” She looked less confused. I grabbed the picnic basket and we started walking, I heard Char mumble something about her white shorts getting dirty and I chuckled. She didn’t need to worry about her looks around me.


            I could not believe I had to climb a mountain! I mean it was going to be fun because I love climbing but it was night time and I was wearing white. I should have fun though so I smiled and we started to climb. How did Avery know I liked to go hiking? He seems to know a lot about me yet we have barely talked. We got out of the car as he grabbed a picnic basket. We were going to have a picnic under the stars! So sweet! I was really excited now. We grabbed some climbing sneakers from the store since I was wearing sandals and we started our climb on one of the easier trails. He said we were going to go on the easier ones so I wouldn’t mess up my clothes.

            We walked and walked for about an hour. We climbed up rocks and through trees and over bridges. We walked up steep hills and I got a little muddy but it was fun anyways. I slipped and fell and I was startled at first but then I laughed hysterically. Avery was confused but after a minute his laughs escaped his mouth too. We were laughing so hard and it was good to get away from the problems with my mom. After a few minutes of laughing on the ground, avery walked over to help me up. When I stood up, Aver was inches from my face. He softly kissed my lips and then smiled at me.

                        “Come on, we are almost there.” He told me.

                        “Have you been here before?” I asked

                        “Not here but I hike a lot and the guy down at the store said it should take an hour to get to the top.” He replied. We reached the top and it was gorgeous. The grass was freshly cut, pretty roses, lilies, daises, and sunflowers surrounded the open grass area. There were a few trees for a shaded area in the daytime but tonight we wanted to see the stars. We grabbed the picnic basket and ran over to the perfect spot to see all the stars. We set down the blanket and spread out the food. He made us peanut butter and jelly sandwiches cut into heart shapes, potato chips, and carrot sticks. It was so cute; like we were five again. I loved it, and I giggled as he spread the food.

He smiled at me his cute lopsided smile. We started to eat and at we ate, I spilled some jelly on my hand. Avery took it and smeared it across my forehead. I gave him a death look but I couldn’t help but laugh. He laughed too so I took some peanut butter and threw it on his chin.

            “Fair enough.” He said jumping on top of me,” Are you ready for the tickle monster though?!” He yelled as he started tickling me. I was so ticklish so I was dying laughing. He stopped tickling me and leaned down to my face. He started to kiss me slow, but it turned more deep and passionate kiss. After a few minutes we broke apart breathing loudly. He gave me another quick kiss and got off of me. As he turned to me, I could tell he had something he needed to tell me.

            “Can I tell you something without you being freaked out?”

            “You told me you were an angel? How can you get weirder?”

            “well um, I have known you before…” I was confused on what he meant.

            “What do you mean?”

            “Well, before this life you are living now, You and I have fallen in love, gotten married, and we even had a kid once name Evaline.”

            “Seriously!?” I asked. I was excited. This was so cool!

            “Yeah haha, you’re not freaked out?”

            “Oh my gosh! NO! This is so cool!”

            “That’s good haha so that is how I have known I loved you if you were wondering.

            “Thanks because I was wondering. This is awesome though.” For the rest of the night, we talked about my past lives and we talked about Evaline. I could tell that I really liked Avery now.

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