Deception Arc ~ (2) - The Story

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Michael's evil glint as Liam cowers and fear as Anna and Josh sigh, what is this new Michael?

Michael POV:

"Can't you be a little more considerate to Liam? I mean he just lost his boyfriend", says Anna. 

"I'm fully aware of that but we've reached too far to be found out now, Liam was there that night, the night I faked my death, I can't risk that", I say.

"So is that why you kidnapped him? Why not just kill him?", says Josh.

"Josh!", yelled Anna. 

"I mean it's a logical statement, he's the only thing that stands in front of us for true freedom", says Josh. 

"We are not killing anyone, too many people have already died", says Anna. 

"Then what do you suggest we do?", I say to Anna.

"Can he escape from his room?", asked Josh.

"No, this suite is 4 stories high, he's not going to jump, plus the phone lines are disconnected and the front door can only be accessed by the room key for security measures", I say as I show Josh the room key. 

"I don't know what we can do but treating him that way is cruel", says Anna. 

"There's no other way, we've reached the end goal and there's no going back now, all this time leads up to now, I'm not letting anyone take that away from me, not even you Anna", I warned. 

"You're right, I'm sorry, we're in too deep to turn back now", says Anna.

"So how did you do it all? You never told me the story, I mean was life with Christian really so hard?", says Josh. 

"Christian Grey, one of the most successful people who's ever lived. Everyone and their grandmother knew who Christian Grey was, I first met him at the age of 5 years old, Rosemary Children's Inn, it was a place that took in foster children, my parents had just miscarried, which tore them apart, they made up their mind to adopt and took me with them to the INN, they left me in the playground and that's where I met him, little Christian Grey, a depressed looking kid looking for his mother, they told him his mother would come back for him but she never did, all he had was an old picture of her, she was beautiful, we became friends that day, he shared his chocolate bar with me and we sat in silence, bonding over the pure silence. We spent three hours playing, I had fragments of that day in mind until my mother saw him on tv and told me about it", I explain.

"So you met Christian prior to the interview Michael?", asked Josh.

"Michael huh... that's not my real name", I say as I stare into the horizon.

"Jack right", says Anna.

"So you knew, that's right, my name is Jack Hyde, my entire existence is a lie a well thought of lie, my birth parents died when I was 12 and I lost my sister when I was 15. I met Christian again when I was 12, it was merely a pass by meeting but I had remembered him. He was 16 at the time, he had a brief fling with my sister before she died. After she died I found out about the things he did to her in her diary, I couldn't believe it, it was then I decided ... Christian Grey will fall into my hands. I fabricated my entire life after that, my entire family had died and I had nothing left but revenge. I made an entirely new life for myself, I even enrolled into the school that Christian was the benefactor of, everything after then became easy", I say.

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