my past the start of battle bladers and confessing my love to him

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I take a deep breathe and 

(nersua's pov)

say" my past is not a happy one and try not to get mad

nersua's past

(a/n's pov)

a long time ago nersua, allura, and ushere all lived together in a mansion in the forest it was the middle of winter and the weather was horrible. That did not change the the sisters happiness that they all had for one another and their live but all of that was going to change they will lose each other and the love they shared dies. But here is how it all started well for nersua at lest. It was a calm winter day the sisters where in their living room watching TV when someone rang the doorbell. Allura walks over and opens the door and sees a man they talk for a bit allura looks at nersua and says" nersua can you come here" she walk over to the door and see the man.       

(Nersua's pov)

I look at the man at the door and he looked really scary allura kneels down and says" hey nersua you remember are uncle doji right". I nod and start to cry I know where this is going" don't cry I will visit you when ever we can OK you are just going to stay with doji for a while OK". She hugs me to clam me down I don't want to go allura is my big sister. She was the only one their for me after mother died it's been me, ushere, and her since that day  and I didn't want that to change. Allura lets go of me and say" nersua go pack OK" I was about to go to my room when that man said" that want be necessary her uncle has everything she will need so lets go now". I look at allura and she nods I walk over to the man and say" then lets go see my uncle" after saying that he offers his hand and I take it when. I get to the car he opens a door I look back at allura and ushere I start to cry a little but I still smile and wave bye to the and they to the same. I get the car and the man closes the car door and we start to drive off it was a hour into the drive when I ask" hey do you know why my uncle wants me to live with him". He did give me an answer I look in the mirror and see that he was smirking evilly that's when it hit me if my uncle need anything he would have come it person I start to panic." y-you don't w-work for... my uncle d-do you" he laughs evilly I then feel a hand cover my mouth then every then goes dark. 

When I woke up I was in a dark room chained to a wall with no cloths on I try to get out of the chains but it was no use. I look around the room and all I see is a door with a little light coming thought but it. Was soon blocked  by a figure he unlocks the door and walks in and say" look who's awake it's my new little slave". I could feel the fear rise up in me but also anger" WHO ARE YOU CALLING A SLAVE" that was probable a stupid thing to do because the man changed to clam to anger real quick. He walked over to the walk and turned on the lights when my eye adjust I see a lot of torturer stuff. I look back at the man and all I feel is fear because in is hand was a bullwhip he walks closer and says." you will show me repast because starting now I am your master and you will lessen to me and me alone" her start to hit me with the whip at that moment I hated everyone even allura this was all her fault. I will never forgiver her never I begin to cry from the pain from the whip and from being betrayed by my big sister on that day my life changed I was forced to be a slave for the rest of my life.

 I will never forgiver her never I begin to cry from the pain from the whip and from being betrayed by my big sister on that day my life changed I was forced to be a slave for the rest of my life

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