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This page is absolutely necessary to read. There will be passwords you must follow in order to join.

If the rule has a >< around it, it means it is a rule I'm going to be stricter on. There should only be a few in here but if you break them I will likely get agitated. I'll understand if its a time or two, accidents happen. I understand but if it gets too out of control it's likely I won't respond.

>Rule 1: Please don't tag unless it's been a few days or so. That's the thing that absolutely annoys me the most and chances are will make me ignore the comments more. If I haven't responded yet, I have my reasons! Chances are I will reply if you follow the rules, I will reply unless I grow out of the fandom. I will write an A/N if this happens.<

>Rule 2: This is a new one for me but it's necessary for me to reply to you. I am more than willing to play your crush so long as you play one of the characters I have for my OC (with mine they're not necessarily crushes but I will have a varied list to pick from). The only exception I have to this is the first comment provided I want Vito to say the line. I will inform you on the page (ex. Vito said to..../ ...... said to Vito) if the second example is put you are ecpected to follow this rule as normal. If the first, you only HAVE to put yours, or inform me of the starter you wish the character I play for you to say. Though, I'm not against you establishing the setting if the first example is in place (ex.: Yondu sat in the captain's chair watching the vast area or space displayed to him. His attention wasn't down though, so upon hearing footsteps, he looked over to see Vito as the source, he arched a brow as if encouragement for the teen to state his business).<

>Rule 3: Hasn't ever been an issue in my books but, no rudeness towards me or others. Ok? Chances are I'm not going to be so fond of you if you're rude, will even ignore you more so. It's one of my biggest pet peeves. I hate rude people!! So please if someone messes up (like me, I may mess up on a fact or so, I deeply apologize in advance) either ignore it, go along with it, or POLIETLY correct them.<

Rule 4: You're welcome to have as many OCs as you'd like just forgive me if I mess up if you create multiple.

>Rule 5: Again, never have stumbled across this issue in my books but I still want to make it extremely clear. I will not, under any circumstances, period, whatsoever rp smut. It makes me extremely uncomfortable. Now, that said, I am willing to do things leading up to it (neck bites, moaning, even slipping shirts off) but nothing past these. I'm also willing to do after the did is done, implying it even but not itself.<

Rule 6: Something I'm willing to be lientant with, you may curse/swear whatever you call it, provided you censor it. I will even do so.

Rule 7: Password 1: GOTG 1 or 2?

Rule 8: Password 2: Favorite GOTG character?

Rule 9: Don't worry about the "May I?" go ahead and start. I prefer this on rps because usually it gets my intrest going, makes me more excited to reply.

Rule 10: People have sad things happen to them. I understand, but can we not have the totally depressing backstories, please?? And can every girl not be meek and shy but ready to kick some butt? This isn't exactly necessary just ya know, give me some exciting, unique characters!

Rule 10: Please at least try to have at the very least a sentence or two, more is of course welcome. I'm not going to go crazy and ignore you if you don't follow this rule everytime and it's not like I'm asking for a paragraph just something more than two words to work with.

Rule 12: While I prefer 3rd person story-like written rps I'm pretty lenient on this. However, Password 3: is a sample of how you typically to rp just so I get an idea (I actually got this idea from an absolutely wonderful person I rp with, I'm just using it for different reasons. I would tag her but I don't wanna be a bother).

Rule 13: This book will not necessarily be with starts, pethaps occasionally, this will actually be more dependent on starters, all of which I will get from Pintrest.

Rule 14: Password 4: I have a number copied twice, what is it? (Hint: look at these Rule __ )

Rule 15: A carry on from Rule 13, if there is not a starter that peeks your interest, you're welcome to create your own.

Rule 16: Its preferable you do read my OC page. As a way to show you have, please vote on that chapter. This isn't necessary just something nice I'd like.

Rule 17: Password 5: (last password) Give me a fact about yourself. Doesn't have to be personal or anything. It can even be very simple such as you like dogs. I'll even give you one about myself. I have a humongous fear of snakes, I can't be near them, looks at pictures of them, watch videos of them, nothing, it freaks me out, might make me cry.

Rule 18: Have fun. I made this for that reason specifically. I know it's a lot of rules but I think they arent's so bad of rules, I'm only going to be extremely hard on 4 of them.

Ok so, 5 passwords. Feel free to post them here, in the forms, pm me them, or on my OC page. Have a lovely day.

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