Make Up Scenario #7

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The intentions of this chapter is for you to do the same but I didn't wanna put this as an AU because it isn't one, so you don't have to.
This involves shapeshifters which we will call Carthtratians. They have thicker skin making them harder to stab or shoot. When they shapeshift into someone they're likely to web up their victims nut they don't always do so, regardless though they do have the plans of taking their victims back to their planet to be cooked and eaten. Water weakens them and a special herb called Marthandial will kill them. Rope doesn't hold them good so chains are better if you're tying them up. They have dark purple skin, neon green blotches on random parts of their body, and troll like hair that generally are colors like red, blue, yellow, or pink. Their eyes are all white with only a black iris. They have long finger nails and their legs are always bent. Generally, they are about 5'7 in height. Note that these are traits when they aren't shifted. They are able to hold a form for only a few hours at a time and do so by licking someone because their saliva have a DNA trapping thing in them.

Scenario for me:

Vito had been wandering the ship after putting the cleaning utensils he used away. He was looking over the map of the ship on the holopad to plan what areas to clean tomorrow. A pair of white eyes watched him from the darkness a few seconds before striking, licking his cheek naturally making Vito shout and try to push away the thing that now looked exactly identical to him, "Papa/Stakar/Krags/Petey!!" he shouted to get someone's attention hopefully. While they didn't hear the yell, they heard the fighting and struggling and was already on his way to look at what the ruckus was over. When he got there he was met with two Vito's pushing and kicking each other until he caught their sight, "Help me!" they both snapped. He............

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