Make Up Scenario #4

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Just like the third feel free to do a scenario similiar. I've been reading a lot of Stakar so... like the AU chapter this will have 2 starter scenarios depending on who you want to play and I'm willing to play the other to make it easier on whoever does wanna rp this. 

Scenario if you want to play Stakar:
He had thought Yondu was past dealing with kids. This proved otherwise though, a little boy, well he looked to be about 13, maybe 12 by Terran standards, but that was still within the kid range to the ravager admiral. He might've brushed the red leathers off as a coinicidence for the sake of not wanting to deal with Yondu, as careless as it may had seemed. Of course, though, something had to come up, Yondu himself. Stakar's mouth turned up in a sneer as the blue male ruffled the child's hair, probably promising the boy he'll be seeing his murder of a father soon he thought bitterly. Next he saw him gently nudge the child towards a member named Nardarmaus, he was a member Stakar wasn't too fond of, he was young when Yondu first recruited him for the crew, then again, he supposed Yondu was too. Regardless, the green skinned ex-ravager wasn't too bright but he was loyal to a point and was a good negotiator. Still, Stakar was willing to take advantage of his lack of smarts to save a child. Unsurprisingly to him, it was rather easy, sure he lost 2,000 units to the idiot but he figured it was worth saving a kid's life. Not that the kid was greatful in the slightest, yelling and kicking, even managing to bite him making Stakar get a new grip on him. Finally, they made it back on the ship, "Kid, look. I'm going to take you back home," he promised. "You took me from my home jack*ss! And I want to go back now!" "Look, I understand that he promised you'd get to see your dad or whatever, but you'd be in danger if he brought you to him," "I was with my dad, moron, he went to do a job! When He finds out you kidnapped me you're gonna be so sorry!" Stakar....

Scenario if you want to play Yondu:
It was supposed to be an easy job. No pain, just a simple job, he left Vito to Nardarmaus, he figured the member could use some embarrassing grief of being addressed to by the boy's nickname "Nar-nar", only used when the boy was feeling particularly aggravating and thus childish, and time on a ship definitely brought that out of him, for being dumb and spilling a whole container of cleaning liquid. Not only was it dangerous with a kid around, he didn't care if the boy was old enough to know better than to put his fingers in his mouth, but it also was strong in scent meaning the ship stunk. However, may be another babysitter would've been a bright idea since when he came back his sin wasn't there, he'd been sold off for 2,000 units. All this brought hum to now, about to take off with the crew, excluding Nardarmaus, he could spend some time on the planet for now while they got Vito back and have toilet duty after. Until the messenger rang out, distractedly, he answered, only a vouce grabbed his attention, Stakar's, "....Yondu?" Yondu...........

(Note: Yondu's is a bit into the future, meaning some point with the Stakar scenario (if anyone picks that one) he will have to call Yondu, obviously).

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