Movie Scenario #2

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Just like the first one. Doesn't have to be same within the same Guardians movie. Just tell me what part so I can look it up to rewatch if I can. I also wanna say it can be begore or after a movie because that's how mine will be.
Mine pretty much takes place after Vol. 2 where everyone is struggling with Yondu's death, obviously, this means there's no room to actually play Yondu so sorry about that. 

Scenario for me:
It had been 4 days since Yondu's death, naturally the atmosphere has been upsetting, tense, no one really wanted to smile. Stakar/Kraglin/Peter was still struggling to cope with the tremendous loss, trying to push through and keep up the responsibilities he had, he sighed stopping outside the room Vito had been staying in. Heart wrenching sobs still came from the room. He hadn't been able to calm down completely since then. He'd be fine for maybe a hour or so then right back to crying for a while, calm himself down enough for another couple of hours then back to cry, the cruel, repeated process had gone on for the 4 days and he scarcely left the room, only to eat when told to and to use the bathroom. He knew this couldn't go on much longer, things wouldn't start to get better this way, so he......... 

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