Make Up Scenario #2

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Same principles as last time. Whatever scenario you want. Just comment it and we can start. Easy enough.

Scenario for me:
It was a rough job, nobody exactly came out unharmed but the Ravagers were used to it. The only one that wasn't was Vito, especially not at having such an up close, personal interaction between him and the "bad guys" aka those that they were up against, especially not at getting hurt, normally he was well protected but clearly the throbbing pain he had in his head still and the new sets of bruises. Needless to say, he was shaken once it was all said and done. It was late, but Peter/Yondu/Stakar/Kraglin couldn't sleep and so he wandered the quiet ship, or it was supposed to be quiet. There were small noises coming from the laundry room. On guard and curious he stepped in finding Vito slipping his sheets in the washer, he.....

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