
414 4 151

Name: (first and last at the very least)




Looks: (descriptions are fine, links are fine but I'd prefer you send it over pm so I can click to see it)(clothes are included here)

Crush/Character you'd like me to play:

Flaws/Weaknesses: (at least 3)

Likes: (at least 3)

Dislikes: (at least 3)


Backstory: (a full on length thing is not necessary, but I don't want to see ???/ find out, I wanna know something about them. Be cautious of Rule 10)

Fun fact about them: (only 1 is necessary but you can put more than one if you'd like)


Don't forget the 5 passwords on the rules page. It's acceptable to put them here, rules page, pm me, or on my characters page.

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