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Name: Vito Cornelius Malcom Garrus Davin Udonta

Age: 13 almost 14 in Terran years/ technically almost a year old in Centaurian years (playing it that a full year for Centaurains is equal to 14 years for a Terran)

Gender: Male

Species: 1/3 Terran, 1/3 Centaurian, 1/3 Bathenlian (made up species, known very well for their purplish eyes and brightly colored skin or hair)

Looks: Depends, Yondu has a chip in him to control his looks, it casts an illusion of sorts when it's on to help him look Terran. When the chip is activated he has red hair, blue eyes, and his skin looks like it always has a sunburn. When it's off, his hair is an unnatural shade of red (the same as a Centaurian's fin), lavender eyes, his skin has a blue look and glow to it, he also has more jagged teeth. His clothes are mostly the same. He wears prescription glasses, he switches between shorts and shoes or pants and boots depending on the weather. The only difference is his shirt. On Terra he wears a blue and light yellow plaid shirt, on the ship he wears a dark brown, nearly black, shirt with the signature red coat when they're on other planets to keep others from taking him.

Crush/Character you'd like me to play: As I mentioned I have a variety so that your choices of a crush are open. You could play Yondu, Kraglin, Peter, or Stakar for me, it's whoever you're more comfortable playing.

Flaws/Weaknesses: Extremely ticklish, he doesn't believe everything he's told, horrible when it comes to dealing with changes, hostile at first, once he's comfortable around someone his full and utter trust is placed in them, if you're kind enough to him he's easy to sway even if it's a villain, once on the ship he's much more definsive at the mention of his mother, easy to startle.

Likes: His mother, chocolate, galaxy colored things, playing with his cousins and friends, being on top/ #1, being called a good boy once comfortable around someone, sitting in/near the captain's seat, the cold/snow, sprinkles and icing he could eat it straight if he were allowed.

Dislikes: Changes, big dogs, not understanding/being left out of something, surprises, creatures with tentacles they freak him out, crying, rich kids, extremely loud music, he's learned he's not too fond of jumping but will tolerate it, Rhet (briefly explained in back story).

Personality: Cautious at first meeting. He's stubborn, doesn't believe everything he's told which can lead to trouble if the thing said is true. Once comfortable around someone he gets joking and playful. He uses curse words probably more than he needs to. Tries his hardest not to lie. Jumpy at loud noises or surprising things. Due to being a teenager he has a hard time knowing and expressing how he's feeling to others which can frustrate him and lead him to taking it out on others though it's usually short lived. When he's sick or tired he gets more cuddly.

Backstory: He was born when Yondu fell in love with a part Terran woman named Bonnie, the two even did a few missions together before she ended up pregnant from Yondu. He ended up sticking around after she got pregnant curious as to how a terran pregnancy went. He even stayed 3 days after Vito was born before finally leaving to return to his normal life in worry if he stayed someone would kidnap and harm them in a ploy against him. Bonnie understood, he dropped her off on Terra with her family, and there she raised Vito alone never dating another man (that didn't stop some people, one major one being a "Rhet" but this will only be reviled if brought up in the rp). Bonnie wasn't ever angry at Yondu, even spoke highly of him to Vito though never telling him too much to keep his curiosity at bay. It wasn't until he got older at which Bonnie noticed some traits of Yondu in their son. She firmly decided to contact Yondu, using her grandmother's outterspace communicater (to catch you up, her grandmother was obsessed with Space to where she created a communicator and to her surprise she got an answer one day, from a Bathenlian male. The two meet up on Terra and slowly fell in love having children, one being Bonnie's father), and tell him that their son deserved a chance to know his father. Yondu begrudgingly agreed. He now lives on the ship, holding Yondu to the promise of visiting his mother if they happen to be close by Terra.

Fun fact about them: *He has a long limbed bear that he refused to leave home without named Lest-ther, his mother gave him the toy when he had a bad case of the flu when he was two, he keeps important things in the back, just to name a few things, 6 pictures, mostly of him and Bonnie, bandaids, necklace from his grandfather that says "I love you to the moon and back", and a peach seed he wanted to plant when he was younger but forgot to take out.
*He hates Yondu's arrow seeing as it dragged him onto the ship when his mother's coaxing didn't work.
*Has a bad tendency to bite his tongue, has even made a hole in it a time or two on Terra.
*Has 2 aunt's and 2 uncle's, and 6 cousins.
*Extremely good at whistling.
*He isn't aware his mother is only half Terran so as far as he's aware HE'S the one that's half Terran.

Other: N/A

Last page for you to put the passwords on. From next chapter on, the rp starts and without the passwords, I won't accept.

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