AU #4: Classifications

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I got thus idea from a new book I'm writing "How Are You Classified?" and I wanted to try it out here. The idea is that there are 6 classifications. Aloha, Beta, Omega, Caregiver, Neutral/Switch, and Little and our characters are classified into one of these.
Here are some I personally imagine for cannon characters but they are completely open to change if you want them to to suit whatever you need for your OC.
Peter: Little or Alpha (I see him go either way, it is whatever you'd prefer)
Stakar: Caregiver but acts like an Alpha (so is Aleta-)
Yondu: Same as Stakar
Kraglin: Caregiver or Beta
Gamora: Beta or Alpha
Oblo: Beta (or Omega, mostly Beta)
Taserface: Alpha
Horuz: Alpha
Tullk: Either same as Stakar and Yondu or a straight up Alpha
In mine, Vito will be a little busy to say and I don't mind at all if you want your OC to be classified as a little too.
Also, I probably won't update this book for a long while after this, this was just an idea I really wanted to try and I thought you all may like.

All that being said, here's my starter:
Vito couldn't believe it, a little. Well, he supposed he should've known, his mother always predicted it and he once didn't really mind, but the ravagers didn't exactly take kindly to anything lower than a Beta, even some times they weren't nice to them. His head was low as he and Stakar/Yondu/Peter/Kraglin came aboard the ship, mostly to hide the tears. He always had hated crying but now he hated it even more. He knew he couldn't stop it though, he leaned on the adult for support trying desperately to swallow back the lump in his throat. Horuz (or Martinex for Stakar) approached, "Well, how'd it go? Were we all right?" Vito whimpered a bit but ultimately ended up sobbing.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2019 ⏰

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